How to report and manage FedEx KIs

    Audience Fleet Admins, Fleet Managers
    Applies To Fleet Dashboard, Reports, AI Dashcam


    Report and Manage FedEx KIs

    What are FedEx's KIs?

    •  Distracted Driving
      • Use of handheld electronic devices
      • Looking down for 15 seconds
    • Failure to wear a seatbelt
      • Any person in the vehicle
    • Speeding
      • 10mph (US) / 15 km/h (CAN) or more over the posted limit for more than 10 minutes.


    Terms/ Acronyms/ Definitions

    Key Indicator (KI): A way in which a vendor measures a business’s safe operations based on industry standards. Motive sends a KI report to corporate FXG monthly that aggregates data across all Transportation Service Providers

    STV: Safety Technology Vendor

    Video Event Data Recorder (VEDR): Video recording system that contains an in-cab and external-facing camera that when activated provides a timed recording of before and after an event to determine the cause.

    TSP: Transportation Service Provider - FedEx Ground Customer, Carrier, Contractor


    Action-Based KI and Associated Thresholds

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    Note: Although the KIs are calculated individually, each VEDR vendor sends a report to FedEx Ground only to show a single pass/fail metric for each contract. The KIs reset going into the next month.


    Calculation Action-Based KIs

    The Service Provider agrees to maintain an Attainment value that is equal to or less than the corresponding driver action-focused KI value set forth in the KI Table.

    1. Attainment = total number of unsafe operator actions per month divided by the Average VEDR-equipped vehicles used in the same month.
    2. Average VEDR-equipped vehicles = VEDR-equipped vehicles operated during the month divided by the number of days in the month 


    • VEDR-equipped vehicles: 
      • The service provider operated 5 vehicles per day for the first 15 days of the month and 10 vehicles per day for the remaining 15 days of the month 
      • 5 vehicles per day multiplied by 15 days = 75 
      • 10 vehicles per day multiplied by 15 days = 150 
      •  75 + 150 = 225 
      • VEDR-equipped vehicles (total number of Schedule B / Addendum 1 vehicle) operated for the month = 225
    • Average VEDR-equipped vehicles in a Month = VEDR-equipped vehicles operated for the  month divided by the number of days in the month 
      • VEDR-equipped vehicles for the month = 225 
      • Days in the month = 30 
      • Average VEDR-equipped vehicles (225 divided by 30) = 7.5

    • Attainment Calculation
      • Per the VEDR vendor, the service provider had the following total number of unsafe operator actions for the month: Speeding: 15; Distractions: 11; Failure to wear a seat belt: 25; Failure to stop: 17
      • Service provider Attainment
      • Unsafe operator actions divided by Average Devices:
      • Speeding: 15 divided by 7.5 = 2.0
      • Distractions: 11 divided by 7.5 = 1.5
      • Failure to wear a seat belt: 25 divided by 7.5 = 3.3
      • Failure to stop: 17 divided by 7.5 = 2.3
    Day of Month

    # Active VEDR equipped vehicles

    1st 5
    2nd 5
    3rd 5
    4th 5
    5th 5
    6th 5
    7th 5
    8th 5
    9th 5
    10th 5
    11th 5
    12th 5
    13th 5
    14th 5
    15th 5
    16th 10
    17th 10
    18th 10
    19th 10
    20th 10
    21st 10
    22nd 10
    23rd 10
    24th 10
    25th 10
    26th 10
    27th 10
    28th 10
    29th 10
    30th 10


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    Managing KIs through the VEDR Vendor Dashboard

    The Service Provider’s VEDR account has a unique username and password. Once the service provider's authorized officer logs into their account, the service provider can access the KI information from the main page.


    On the Motive homepage, the service provider authorized user will access their Fleet Dashboard to navigate to the REPORTS tab to manage and track KI 1 - KI 4 progress.

    1. Log into the Fleet Dashboard and click Reports on the left navigation bar.

    2. Click Safety.

    3. Click FedEx Carrier Fleet Presentation Report - KI.

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    4. Click the three-dots button on the top right.

    5. Select Export as PDF or CSV as per your choice. Once done, a link will be sent to your registered email address to download the report.

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    Note: Motive’s Enterprise Subscription provides the service provider with an advanced reporting feature to operate more efficiently through Scheduled Reports.


    KI 1: Distracted Driving (use of handheld electronic devices)

    The authorized service provider can manage cell phone usage action-based events (KI 1) by selecting the Safety Events Report and filter All Events to Cell Phone Usage and Distraction.



    KI 2: Failure to Wear a Seat Belt (any person in the vehicle)

    The authorized service provider can manage seat belt violation action-based events (KI 2) by selecting the Safety Events Report and filtering All Events to Seat Belt Violation.



    KI 3: Speeding (10mph (US) / 15km/h (CAN) or more over the posted limit)

    The authorized service provider can manage events drivers are overdue for coaching (KI 3) by selecting the Speeding Events Report.



    KI 4: (P&D) Failure to Stop / Incomplete Stop.

    The authorized service provider can manage events drivers are overdue for coaching (KI 4) by selecting the Safety Events Report. Filter All Events to (P&D) Failure to Yield, Stop Sign Violation, Close Following.



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