Account Overview for Motive Cards


    Fleet Admins

    Applies to

    Admin Dashboard > Cards (Motive Cards)



    The Account Overview section in your Cards menu gives you a brief overview of your Motive cards billing
    Here are the steps on how to check the Account Overview for the Motive Cards.



    1. Log onto the Dashboard. (
    2. Select Cards from the menu on the left.
    3. The Overview page will open up on the dashboard by default.
    4. On the right-hand side, there is a section for Account Overview:InkedAcc
    5. Details are as follows:
    • Current Billing Cycle: This shows the dates of the billing cycle that you are currently in and will be charged for at the end. 
    • Credit Limit: The amount that is allocated for use per current billing cycle.
    • Current Balance: The amount of money you have used in the billing cycle that will be charged at the end of the cycle. Includes posted transactions, excludes pending transactions, and processing payments.
    • Pending Transactions: Includes transactions that have not yet been posted but are charged from the card and waiting to get posted, which impacts your available credit.
    • Processing Payments: Includes payments, made for the Motive cards, that are in progress but not complete.
    • Available Credit: The amount of money you have left available to use in a billing cycle. Available credit is updated when payment is processed or an adjustment is made on a previous invoice.
    • Next Payment Date: The date on which the payment will be taken out from the linked bank account for the Motive Cards.
    • Make a Payment: There you can make the payments manually as well by selecting this option.


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