How to enable Agriculture Exception using Fleet Dashboard?


    Fleet Admins, Fleet Managers

    Applies To

    Fleet Dashboard > Driver Settings



    Motive now allows fleets to activate the agriculture exception for ELD drivers. With this feature, drivers can set an agricultural source in the app and receive proactive notifications when entering or exiting the 150 air-mile radius from the source.

    Note: Any duty status recorded inside the radius is automatically annotated stating the use of agriculture exception.


    Steps: Enabling Agriculture Exception using Fleet Dashboard

    Note: Fleet Admin must enable "Allow Unregulated Vehicles" in Compliance Settings to access the "Allow Agriculture Exception" option in the Driver profile.

    For detailed instructions on how to enable unregulated vehicles, follow this article:

    How to enable the Unregulated (Non-CMV) vehicle in Fleet Dashboard


    1. Log into the Motive Fleet Dashboard and click on the Admin icon at the bottom-left corner.


    2. Click on the Driver on the left-hand side menu.

    3. Select the option to edit an existing driver or add a new driver to enable agricultural exceptions.


    4. Enable the checkbox labeled "Allow Agriculture Exception." Once activated, this driver will have the following options available:

    • Able to set an agricultural source location from the Motive Driver App.
    • Able to receive proactive alerts before exiting or entering the 150-air-mile radius.
    • Able to switch to unregulated vehicle mode and record duty status as "off duty" inside the radius.
    • Logs will be automatically annotated, indicating the use of the exception.image2.png

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