How to change agricultural source using Driver App

    Audience Driver
    Applies To Driver > ELD Required



    Motive now enables Fleet Admins to activate the agriculture exception for ELD drivers. With this feature, drivers can specify an agricultural source in the app and receive timely notifications when entering or leaving the 150 air miles radius of the source. Any duty status recorded within this radius is automatically marked to indicate the use of the agriculture exception.

    Note: The Agriculture Exception applies only to drivers operating in the US. It turns off automatically when a driver is under Canadian HOS rules in the Motive Driver Application.  Reference CFR 395.1(k).


    1. Open the driver hub bottom drawer. Click on “Change agricultural source”, and you will be redirected to the map screen.

    2. If you are more than 150 air miles of already added agricultural source, select the new location and hit Save location.


    3. If you are within 150 air miles of an already added agricultural source, choose a new location outside the radius of the previously selected one. Otherwise, you will see a red circle with a message indicating 'Choose a location outside the previously selected location.'

    Reference to FMCSA Guidance:

    “When a driver loads some of an agricultural commodity at a “source” and then loads more of that commodity at additional stops, the first place where the commodity was loaded is the measuring point for the 150 air-mile radius.” 



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