How to disable agriculture exception using Driver App

    Audience Driver
    Applies To Driver > ELD Required



    As per 49 CFR § 395.1(k), ELD drivers are exempt from HOS rules during state-designated planting and harvesting periods within a 150-air-mile radius from the source for transporting agricultural commodities. Agriculture Exception lets drivers record "off duty" when transporting these commodities, and if operating across states with varying planting and harvesting periods, they can temporarily disable the exception for states without an active harvesting period.

    Steps: Disabling agriculture exception using Driver App 

    1. Access the Agriculture Exception by opening the bottom drawer in the driver hub.


    2. Disable the toggle to temporarily disable the exception. 



    Note: While the app retains the currently added location locally for an indefinite period, the agricultural exception will be inactive. If a driver re-enables the exception after logging out, internet connectivity is required to access the last added source location in the app.


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