Why Do I Need To Reauthenticate My Bank Account?



    Audience Fleet Admins
    Applies To Fleet Dashboard > Admin > Motive Cards



    Re-authentication is required when Plaid loses connection with the bank account linked on the dashboard. This can happen due to multiple reasons such as the Credentials of the bank account having been updated, the previously established connection having expired, or some updates at the Plaid end, etc. 


    The re-authentication needs to be completed for faster and more secure payment for Motive Cards.


    Steps to re-authenticate the account:

    1: Log into Fleet Dashboard and click on the Admin icon.



    2: Click on the Cards from the left-hand side menu.

    3: Click on Reauthenticate.

    image (1).png

    4: A plaid window will open then click on Continue.

    5: Click on Continue to Login

    6: This will take you to your bank's login page.

    7: Enter your bank credentials and click Sign In.

    8: Verify your identity by getting a code on your mobile.

    9: Enter the code you have received on your registered mobile number.

    10: Select the bank account you wish to authenticate and click Continue at the bottom of the same page.

    11: On the next page, scroll down to the bottom, check the terms and conditions box, and click Connect account information.

    12: Click Continue and your bank has been successfully linked and reauthenticated.

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