How to add New Asset Type on the Fleet Dashboard


    Audience Fleet Admins
    Applies To Fleet Dashboard > Admin > Assets



    Fleet Admin Dashboard allows Fleet Admins to add a new Asset type that is not included in the default list. 

    Steps: Adding a New Asset Type on Fleet Admin Dashboard

    1. Go to the Fleet View and locate the entities menu, then choose "Assets".
    2. Once you're in the asset tab, click on the "Add an Entity" button located at the top right corner. From the dropdown menu, select "Add an asset".

    image (142).png


    3. After entering the details such as Asset ID and VIN number, scroll down to the "Asset Details" section. Within this section, locate the "Asset Type" field and click on it.

    image (143).png


    4. If the option is available in the list, you're all set. Otherwise, please choose "Other", which will prompt another window to appear under "Asset Name". You can then add the name of the asset there. 

    image (144).png


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