What is Safety Coach Performance Report?

    Audience Fleet managers, Fleet admins
    Applies To Fleet Dashboard > Reports



    The Safety Coach Performance Report allows fleet admins to track each safety coach's impact on safety performance.

    Note: Safety Coach Assignment Reports are supported on all subscription plans.


    Safety Coach Performance Report Overview

    1. Log in to Motive Fleet Dashboard, and click Reports on the left side menu.


    2. The Reports page displays a complete list of your available reports.


    3. Click Browse.

    4. Click Safety.

    5. Select Safety Coach Performance Report.

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    6. You can now view the report.

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    7. Within the report, you can use the following filters:

    • Here's a breakdown of what each column means in the Fleet User tab of the report:
    Column Name Description
    Fleet User Name Name of the Safety Coach
    Group Name of the group of drivers the Fleet User is an assigned Safety Coach for
    Active Drivers Count Number of active drivers in the group for the period selected
    Safety Score Group Safety Score
    Crashes Count of collisions generated for the group during the period selected
    Coachable Drivers Count of drivers in the group with at least 1 coachable or coached event during the period selected
    Coachable Drivers % (Coachable drivers/Active drivers) * 100
    Coached Drivers Count of drivers in the group with at least 1 event in coached status during the period selected
    Coachable Events / 1K mi (Count of coachable events/miles driven) * 1,000 for the period selected
    Coachable Events / Active Drivers (Count of coachable events/count of active drivers)
    Average Coaching SLA Average time (in days) from event generated to event being placed in coached status
    Coached Drivers Names Names of the drivers coached in the period selected
    • Here's a breakdown of what each column means in the Group tab of the report:
    Column Name Description
    Group Name of the group of drivers
    Miles Total number of miles driven during the period selected
    Safety Coaches Fleet Users assigned as “Coaches” within the group
    Safety Score Group Safety Score
    Crashes Count of collisions generated for the group during the period selected
    Active Drivers Count Number of active drivers in the group for the period selected
    Coachable Drivers Count of drivers in the group with at least 1 coachable or coached event during the period selected
    Coachable Drivers % (Coachable drivers/Active drivers) * 100
    Coached Drivers Count of drivers in the group with at least 1 event in coached status during the period selected
    Coachable Events / 1K mi (Count of coachable events/miles driven) * 1,000 for the period selected
    Coachable Events / Active Drivers (Count of coachable events/count of active drivers)
    Repeated Coachable Drivers Count of coachable drivers that were also coachable during the previous period
    Repeated Coachable Drivers % (Repeated coachable drivers / coachable drivers) * 100
    Average Coaching SLA Average time (in days) from event generated to event being placed in coached status


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