Do I need to print logs for a DOT officer?


    Audience Drivers
    Applies To Driver App



    If you are using the standalone Motive Driver App to manually record your driving time, you may be required to print your logs for an officer at the time of an inspection. FMCSA guidance for rule 395.8 states:


    At the time of an inspection of records by an enforcement official, the driver may display the current and prior seven days RODS to the official on the device’s screen. If the enforcement official requests printed copies of the RODS, the driver must be given an opportunity to print the current and prior seven days RODS (if required on those days) at the time of inspection.


    Many officers will view your logs on your mobile device or accept a copy of your logs via email or fax. However, an officer can request a printed copy at the time of an inspection. You can print your logs directly from the Motive Driver App by following these directions for Android and iOS


    If you are using the Motive Vehicle Gateway (engine-connected hardware that automatically records driving time), you do not have to print your logs for an officer at the time of an inspection. FMCSA guidance for rule 395.15 states:


    The FMCSRs do not require AOBRDs to provide a hardcopy printout for an enforcement official. As long as the information made available for display on the AOBRD meets the requirements of § 395.15(i)(5), the driver and motor carrier are not required to provide additional RODS documentation to an enforcement official at the roadside. However, an enforcement official may request that additional information be provided by email, fax, or similar means within 48 hours for follow­ up after the conclusion of the roadside inspection.


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