How are Coaching Drivers identified for safety performance events

    Audience Fleet Admins, Fleet Dashboard, Drivers
    Applies To  Fleet Dashboard > Safety 



    Motive automatically identifies coachable drivers based on their driving performance trends. This helps Fleet Managers efficiently coach Drivers without having to sift through individual events.

    How does it work?

    • Video Events (excluding braking): When a Driver generates a critical or high-severity event, the event is automatically marked as coachable if the Driver exhibits behavior that contributed to the severity of the event (e.g.: cell phone usage, distraction, stop sign violation, close following, etc)

    • Braking Events: When a Driver generates a Harsh Braking event at a rate of declaration greater than or equal to 8.66 mph/s or more

    • Speeding Events: When the Driver generates a speeding event where the average speed is at least 6 mph or more over the speed limit for at least 1 minute.

    When a Driver is identified as coachable, the following series of events happen:

    The table below highlights when a Driver is identified as coachable for safety events. Learn more about how Event Severity is defined here.

    Severity of Event  Primary Behavior  Speed  Automatically Coachable 
    Critical or High


    Near Collision

    Possible Collision

    Critical or High 

    Close following

    Unsafe lane change



    Cell phone

    Seat belt violation

    Ran a red light

    Ran a stop sign

    Harsh Braking

    - Yes
    Critical or High  - 75+ mph Yes


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