What are the requirements to switch Cycle Rule in Canada?

    Audience Drivers
    Applies To  Driver App > Cycle Rules 



    There are specific requirements outlined in SOR-2005-313 Section 29 & 54 for drivers operating under the federal hours of service regulations in Canada when they switch from Cycle 1 to Cycle 2.


    Switch from Cycle 1 to Cycle 2 in Canada


    Necessary Off-Duty Rules

    Cycle 1 consists of 7 Days and requires the driver to fulfill the following off-duty rules to switch to Cycle 2:

    • Complete at least 36-hours of off-duty to switch to Cycle 2.
    • Subject to section 28, no motor carrier shall request, require or allow a driver to drive and no driver shall drive unless the driver has taken at least 24 consecutive hours of off-duty time in the preceding 14 days.
    • Subject to section 28, no motor carrier shall request, require or allow a driver who is following cycle 1 to drive, and no driver who is following cycle 1 shall drive after the driver has accumulated 70 hours of on-duty time during any period of 7 days.

    After taking the off-duty time, the driver begins a new cycle, the accumulated hours are set back to zero and the driver’s hours begin to accumulate again.


    Switch from Cycle 2 to Cycle 1 in Canada


    Necessary Off-Duty Rules

    Cycle 2 consists of 14 Days and requires the driver to fulfill the following off-duty rules to switch to Cycle 2:

    • The driver must take off-duty for at least 72 consecutive hours.
    • Subject to section 28, no motor carrier shall request, require or allow a driver who is following cycle 2 to drive and no driver who is following cycle 2 shall drive after the driver has accumulated
      120 hours of on-duty time during any period of 14 days or
    • 70 hours of on-duty time without having taken at least 24 consecutive hours of off-duty time.

    After taking the off-duty time, the driver begins a new cycle, the accumulated hours are set back to zero and the driver’s hours begin to accumulate again.


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