How to send Coachable Messages to your Driver

    Audience Fleet Admins, Fleet Managers
    Applies To Fleet Dashboard > Safety > Events



    Motive’s Automated Safety Messages help Fleet Managers coach drivers remotely. When a safety event is marked as coachable, drivers will automatically receive a message alerting them of the coachable event.


    Steps : Sending coachable messages to your driver

    1. Log into Fleet Dashboard and click on Safety from the left-hand side menu.

    2. Click on the Events tab.

    3. Use the filters on the top to have better access to the desired events.

    4. Click on the event you want to review.


    5. If the event is determined as coachable, change the status of the event. Click on the Pending Review button.

    6. Select Coachable from the All Coaching Statuses drop-down.


    7. As soon as the event is tagged as Coachable, a message is sent to the Driver App.


    8. A notification Sent to Driver appears. This indicates that the message has been shared with the driver.


    9. As soon as the driver opens the sent message, the notification updates to Message Viewed by Driver.


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