How to switch languages in the Motive Fleet App

    Audience Drivers 
    Applies To  Motive Fleet App 



    The Motive Fleet App allows the users to switch languages between English, Spanish, and French. The first time a user opens the Fleet App, it will automatically default to the device language.

    Example: If the phone is already set up in Spanish, the Motive Fleet App automatically switches to Spanish.


    Steps: Switching languages in Motive Fleet App 


    Switching language for android

    1. Log into the Motive Fleet App and tap on the Settings icon in the bottom-right corner.


    2. The Settings screen displays Notifications, Language, Support, and Logout options.

    3. Tap on Language.


    4. Choose from French and Espanol.



    Switching language for iOS

    For iOS, Fleet App will automatically default to the device language and doesn’t provide any options for selecting the desired language.


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