How to remove or uninstall an app/integration

    Audience Fleet Admins, Fleet Managers
    Applies To Fleet Dashboard > Marketplace



    As a Fleet Admin, you have the ability to revoke third-party's access to your data at any time. App Marketplace on Fleet Dashboard enables you to perform this action. Learn how to remove or uninstall an app/integration with the steps given below.

    Steps: Removing or uninstalling an app/integration

    1. Sign in to the Fleet Dashboard and click on the Marketplace in the left-hand side menu.
    2. Click on the Manage tab.
    3. Click on the app of your choice from the listed apps.
    4. Click on the Remove App button.



    5. A prompt appears asking if you want to proceed. Click on the Remove button.



    6. Once done, a notification appears with the deletion status of the app.


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