Audience Drivers Applies To Driver App Introduction Drivers can enable the Adverse Driving Conditions Exception in the Motive Driver App....
Compliance & HOS
How to enable Adverse Driving Conditions Exception in Driver App
How to use Adverse Driving Conditions Exception in Driver App
Audience Drivers Applies To Driver App Introduction Drivers can use the Adverse Driving Conditions Exception in the Driver App and the ...
How to switch Cycle Rule on the Driver App
Audience Drivers Applies To Driver App > Compliance Introduction The Driver App allows the driver to switch between the primary...
How to view ELD diagnostics screen and Vehicle Gateway firmware
Audience Drivers Applies To Driver App Introduction The ELD Diagnostics feature is a useful tool that allows Drivers enabled fo...
How to view Split Sleeper Berth Clocks on Driver App-US Cycles
Audience Drivers Applies To Motive Driver App Introduction This article addresses how Drivers can utilize the split sleeper toggle fe...
How to edit drive time manually
Audience Drivers Applies To Driver App Introduction Motive allows you to correct log trips by editing drive time manually if you notice...
How to change duty status on Driver App
Audience Drivers Applies To Driver App Introduction The Motive Driver App allows drivers to log their status. In this article...
How to insert a past duty status
Audience Drivers Applies To Driver App Introduction If the driver forgets to insert a duty status to his log, he can add it as a ...
How to view HOS Violations on Driver App
Audience Drivers Applies To Driver App Introduction Drivers have to abide by the HOS rules defined by the country they are driving in. In...
How to let a DOT officer inspect driver logs
Audience Drivers Applies To Driver App Introduction An officer can ask a driver to present his/her logs at any time. In this...
How to access the log form from the Driver App when using Yard Move
Audience Fleet Admins, Fleet Managers Applies To Fleet Dashboard > Admin > Company Introduction Drivers can access their log form in the ...
How to calculate a 14 hour shift limit violation
Audience Fleet Admins, Fleet Managers, Drivers Applies To Driver App, Fleet Dashboard Introduction According to the law created by the F...
How to change duty status to Yard Move in the Motive Driver App
Audience Fleet Admins, Fleet Managers Applies To Motive Driver App Introduction Fleets can now mandate that Drivers must be within a geof...
How to enable access to validate Yard moves inside geofence in the Fleet Dashboard
Audience Fleet Admins, Fleet Managers Applies To Fleet Dashboard > Admin Introduction Motive now allows Fleets to require Drivers to be i...
How to add or edit Odometer Readings using the Driver App
Audience Drivers Applies To Driver App > Logs Introduction Drivers can easily add or edit odometer readings for any log using the Driver ...
How to Reassign Safety Event
Audience Fleet Managers, Fleet Admins Applies To Fleet Dashboard When a safety event is incorrectly assigned to a driver, it can result i...
Does the Driver App automatically switch between Canadian and U.S. rules at the border?
Audience Drivers Applies To Motive Driver App Answer If the Driver has set up a primary cycle in the US and a secondary cycle in Canada ...
What is California Split Sleeper Berth Rule?
Audience Drivers, Fleet Admins Applies To Driver App, Fleet Dashboard Answer Drivers need to take two breaks of a total of 10+ hours off...
2024-March Announcement: Log Edit Suggestions Updates
Does the Motive App exclude the previous shift's 2nd qualifying period from the current shift even if it doesn’t qualify for a split sleeper?
Audience Drivers, Fleet Admins, Fleet Managers Applies To Fleet Dashboard, Driver App Answer Shift resets immediately after completing t...
What happens when a Driver takes a break of 10 hours or more in Sleeper Berth or Off-Duty status?
Audience Drivers, Fleet Admins, Fleet Managers Applies To Fleet Dashboard, Driver App Answer Driver takes a consecutive break of 10 ho...
How does the Motive Driver App manage scenarios in which Drivers take a combination of continuous sleeper, personal conveyance, or Off-Duty time?
Audience Drivers, Fleet Admins, Fleet Managers Applies To Driver App Answer Any combination of continuous sleeper, personal conveyance, ...
How does Motive support Drivers logging multiple short qualifying periods under the US property cycle rule?
Audience Drivers, Fleet Admins, Fleet Managers Applies To Fleet Dashboard, Driver App Answer The Motive Driver App chooses combination...
What happens when a Driver switches to Personal Conveyance (PC) after finishing the extended shift limit?
Audience Drivers, Fleet Admins, Fleet Managers Applies To Fleet Dashboard, Driver App Answer In instances where a Driver opts for a sho...
Drivers getting 16 hour shift limit violation
Audience Fleet Admins, Fleet Managers, Drivers Applies To Driver App, Fleet Dashboard Symptom (s): The driver receives a 16-hour shift viol...
What is the yard move limit in Canada?
Audience Fleet Admin, Drivers Applies to Driver app Answer The Yard move speed threshold is set as 32 kilometers/hour in Canada. If the...
How to identify logs with Agriculture Exception using Fleet Dashboard
Audience Driver Applies To Driver > ELD Required Introduction Motive now allows fleets to enable an agriculture exception for ELD drivers...
How to identify trips recorded under Agriculture Exception using Fleet Dashboard
Audience Driver Applies To Driver > ELD Required Introduction Fleets can now utilize Motive to enable the agriculture exception for ELD d...
How to disable agriculture exception using Driver App
Audience Driver Applies To Driver > ELD Required Introduction As per 49 CFR § 395.1(k), ELD drivers are exempt from HOS rules during stat...
How to change agricultural source using Driver App
Audience Driver Applies To Driver > ELD Required Introduction Motive now enables Fleet Admins to activate the agriculture exception for E...