How to view the Asset Gateways Detail Report on the Fleet Dashboard

    Audience Fleet Managers, Fleet Admins
    Applies To Fleet Dashboard



    The Asset Gateways Detail Report shows the current and last assigned asset for each asset gateway in your company. This report further includes the model, power mode, assigned and unassigned date, last activity, and firmware version of your asset gateways.


    Steps: Viewing the Asset Gateways Detail Report on the Fleet Dashboard

    1. From the Fleet Dashboard, click on Reports in the left-hand side menu.

    2. Click on Assets under the Browse section.


    3. Click on the Asset Gateways Detail section, this takes you to the Asset Gateways Detail report page.

    4. The Asset Gateways Detail report page displays all the relevant information about your Asset Gateways in one easy-to-navigate page. 

    5. You can use filters like Serial Number, Asset ID, Model, Group and Firmware Version to look for your required information.

    6. To download the report, click on the three dots in the top-right corner and click on Export as PDF or Export as CSV as per your desired format.

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