What is Driver Privacy? and it's available configrations

    Audience Fleet Managers, Fleet Admins
    Applies To Fleet Dashboard > Company



    For Fleets using Driver-facing Dashcams Driver Privacy is often a major concern that arises before installation. Drivers are understandably worried about their privacy being violated while using a company vehicle, particularly when they are not working. Motive addresses these concerns by providing configurable camera options that help protect Driver Privacy on and off the road.


    How the Driver Privacy feature Helps You

    With the Driver Privacy camera configurations enabled: 

    • Dashcams still provide valuable road-facing footage of driving behaviors while respecting Driver Privacy. 
    • A relationship of trust is built between Drivers and Fleet Managers while preventing the Drivers from a constant feeling of being monitored.
    • Fleets are allowed to adjust the Driver-facing camera for the entire company. Otherwise, they can turn on the lens for new Drivers and keep it off for more experienced Drivers.
    • Fleets have multiple options to configure the Driver-facing camera. These options include continuous camera recording, disabling the camera entirely, and disabling the camera for specific conditions to maintain Driver privacy (e.g. when the engine is off, or while the engine is on but the vehicle is stationary).


    Driver Privacy/Controls Overview

    Once the Driver Privacy mode is activated, the AI Dashcam's LED light turns green. This indicates that the recording for the Driver Facing camera is disabled and is no longer actively capturing video or audio.

    • The Driver Privacy mode in the AI Dashcams is activated after the vehicle has been stationary or the vehicle's engine has been disabled for 3 minutes, depending on the selected configuration.
    • The Driver Privacy mode in Smart Dashcams is activated after the vehicle has been stationary or the vehicle's engine has been disabled for 3 minutes and 30 seconds, depending on the selected configuration.
    • The Road Facing camera remains operational in all configurations as long as it’s powered on. Therefore, it continues to record.
    • If the Engine-off recording setting is enabled, the road-facing camera continues to record once the vehicle’s engine turns off. Meanwhile, the Driver-facing Dashcam video and audio recording are disabled.



    Enabling Driver Privacy Mode:

    • AI Dashcams: Driver Privacy Mode is enabled 3 minutes after the vehicle’s engine turns off. Once enabled, the AI Dashcam's LED bar shows a bright green status, signaling that the camera is no longer capturing any video or audio.
    • Smart Dashcams: The mode activates 3 ½ minutes after the engine turns off. 30 seconds are also required to reboot the camera to re-enable the driver-facing camera.  Note that Smart Dashcams do not have LED status indicators.

    Driver Privacy Configurations on the Fleet Dashboard

    Steps: Enabling Driver Privacy controls

    1. Log in to the Motive Fleet Dashboard and click the Admin icon at the bottom left corner. 


    2. Click Safety in the left-hand side menu. 

    3. Scroll down to Dashcam section and click Edit

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    4. In the Driver-facing camera setting, the default configuration is set to Always on. Open the dropdown menu to change the configuration according to your preferences.

    5. After selecting the desired configuration, verify any potential changes to the additional Dashcam settings including In-cab audio recording and Engine-Off Recording.

    6. Once verified, click Save

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    Off when the vehicle is stationary or idling

    This Dashcam setting disables the Driver-facing Dashcam when the vehicle has been stationary or idle for 3 minutes while the engine is running. This ensures Drivers’ privacy when they wish to take a break in the vehicle while keeping other services running, such as heating or air conditioning.


    Only record when the engine is on

    The ‘Only record when the engine is on’ setting disables the Driver-facing Dashcam when the vehicle's engine is turned off. This setting is useful to safeguard the Drivers’ privacy when they turn the vehicle off to take a break, go Off Duty, or go into Sleeper Berth. 


    Always Off

    The ‘Always Off’ setting disables the Driver-facing Dashcam at all times. This configuration is particularly suitable for vehicles that do not require Driver behavior evaluation or in-cab video or audio recording. When this setting is enabled, no in-cab video or audio recording is captured.



    Always On (default) 

    The ‘Always On’ setting is the default configuration available for all Driver-facing Dashcams. This setting is suitable if the Drivers’ privacy is not a concern for the Fleet. Whenever the Always on setting is enabled, the video recording function is activated.



    Note: If the Engine-off recording setting is enabled, both the road-facing and Driver-facing cameras continue to record after the vehicle’s engine turns off.



    In case you're having any issues with this feature please free to call our Safety Support team at 855-434-3564


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