Excessive In-cab Alerts for Speeding


    Audience Fleet Admin, Fleet Managers
    Applies to Fleet Dashboard > Admin



    Drivers report excessive in-cab alerts generated though they are not speeding. It might be due to the low-speed limit for generating in-cab alerts. Once they go above the set limit, a dashcam generates an alert inside the cab.


    Note: Motive by default generates a speeding event when the vehicle has driven 6 mph over the posted speed limit for more than 1 minute. A distraction event is generated when the driver looks down for at least 5 seconds above 10mph.



    • The low-speed limit set for in-cab speeding alerts


    1. On the Motive Fleet Dashboard, go to Admin.


    2. Go to the Company settings. 123.png

    3. Scroll down to Dashcam Settings

    4. Go to In-cab Alerts.


    5. Increase the value for speeding above the threshold.


    6. Go to Save

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