How the Safety Score is impacted when adjusting unsafe behavior detection settings?


    Audience Fleet Admins
    Applies To Fleet Dashboard > Admin  



    Setting behavior event capture settings away from the Motive default settings impacts the Motive Safety Score.  If your Fleet majorly relies on the Safety Score for tracking Driver performance, it is important to understand how modifying behavior event capture settings impact the score. 

    Note:  To learn more about how the Motive Safety Score is calculated, click here.


    Impact on Safety Score

    The default configuration for event capture is the recommended setting for all unsafe behaviors when considering the Safety Score. The following scenarios can help you understand the impact the Safety Score can have after adjusting event capture settings away from the default settings.

    Note:  Modifying In-cab alert settings doesn't impact the Safety Score.


    Scenario 1:  Disabling Event capture for an unsafe behavior

    • Example: Disabling Event capture for a behavior, In-cab alerts can still be enabled without impacting the score.
    • Disabling event capture for behavior results in 0 events considered in the Safety Score, therefore allowing the Driver to receive all available points for that behavior. 
    • Impact: The Safety Score inflates. 

    Scenario 1 example:  Disabling Hard acceleration and Hard corner


    Scenario 2:  Increasing the sensitivity of Event capture for an unsafe behavior

    • Example: Decreasing the minimum speed or duration of Event capture.
    • Drivers generate more events, which penalizes the Drivers in their Safety Score. 
    • Impact:  The Safety Score deflates.


    Scenario 3:  Decreasing the sensitivity of Event capture for an unsafe behavior

    • Example: Increasing the minimum speed or duration of Event capture.
    • Drivers generate fewer events, which rewards the Driver in their Safety Score.
    • Impact:  The Safety Score inflates.


    Custom Safety Score

    Motive recognizes and is investing in building more capability for you to define the Safety Score that best meets your Fleet's operation. Motive plans to offer more flexibility in the ability to define how each behavior is weighted (if at all) based on company preferences. 


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