What is Safety Hub?

    Audience Fleet Admins, Fleet Managers 
    Applies To  Fleet Dashboard > Safety 



    The Safety Hub is designed to help Fleets identify risk and prevent accidents.

    Note: Safety Hub is available on Pro and Enterprise subscriptions only. 


    How Safety Hub Helps You

    The Safety Hub surfaces the right information needed to effectively coach Drivers so that you can manage your safety program in one place. 


    1. Log in to the Motive Fleet Dashboard and click Safety in the left-hand side menu. 
    2. The Safety Overview page displays Summary Metrics, Safety Score Trend, Safety Score Factors, and the Performance Leaderboard.Screenshot (256).png


    Summary Metrics

    • The date picker defaults to the last 4 weeks. As you adjust the time period, the summary metrics data updates to reflect the newly selected time period.
    • The Safety Score summary box displays the Fleet Safety Score for the time period selected. Learn more about how the DRIVE score is calculated here
    Note: The fleet score is a weighted average of the individual Driver Safety Scores weighted by the distance driven by in the 4-week time period.
    • Total Driving indicates the distance driven for the time period selected and change from the previous time period.
    • Active Drivers is the count of Drivers who drove for the time period selected and the change from the previous time period.
    • Events / 1k miles indicates the count of safety events generated per 1,000 miles driven for the time period selected and the change from the previous time period.
    • Speeding is the percentage of drive time spent speeding over the posted speed limit based on the speeding event generation definition set by the Fleet for the time period selected and the change from the previous time period.
    • Collisions is the count of collisions detected for the time duration selected.


    Safety Score Trend

    The Safety Score Trend widget displays the trend of the last 12 Safety scores.


    • Selecting any week on the trendline will update the data reflected in the Summary Bar, the Safety Score Factors and the Performance Leaderboard to match the new time period selected. 
    • Hovering over a week displays additional information about the score.
      • The date range of the 4 week time period used in the score
      • Safety Score and change from previous
      • Scored Drivers - the count of Drivers with a Safety Score during the scoring time period and the change from the previous time period
      • Excellent Drivers - The percentage of scored Drivers falling in the ‘Excellent’ performance band and the change from the previous time period
      • Good Drivers - The percentage of scored Drivers falling in the ‘Good’ performance band and the change from the previous time period
      • Fair Drivers - The percentage of scored Drivers falling in the ‘Fair’ performance band and the change from the previous time period



    Safety Score Factors

    The Safety Score Factors widget displays the top 5 factors impacting the score in the selected 4-week period. Learn more about how the Safety Score is calculated here.


    Screenshot (257).png


    • Hover over any behavior to view the event rate and the change from the previous time period. 
      • Event rate = (count of safety events generated in 4-week period/distance driven in 4 week period) * 1,000
    Note: The count of safety events is based on the Safety definition for safety events.


    • Clicking any behavior will take you to view the events for the indicated time period.


    Performance Leaderboard

    The Performance Leaderboard ranks Drivers based on their Safety Score for the time period selected. 

    • Lowest Scores: top 5 Drivers with the lowest Safety Scores for the time period selected
    • Highest Scores: top 5 Drivers with the highest Safety Scores for the time period selected
    • Biggest Score Change: top 5 Drivers with the biggest change (positive or negative) in Safety Score from the previous time period
    • View All: takes you to the Drivers tab within the Safety Hub to view all Safety Scores for the time period

    Click any Driver to view their individual performance metrics in their Driver Safety Profile.


    Action Center


    This section gives you quick access to the coaching workflow. The count displayed is the count of Drivers within the Fleet/Group that are currently eligible for coaching.


    Recent Activity

    This section gives you quick access to the safety event review process. 

    • Events: The count of safety events generated from the previous day and not yet moved out of pending review status
    • Coachable Events: The count of events generated from the previous day and currently in the ‘Coachable’ status
    • Speeding: The count of speeding events generated from the previous day
    • Dashcam Issues: The count of events with camera issues



    In the Notifications section, you can view the count of Dashcam updates and requested videos from the previous 24 hours.

    • Dashcam updates: The count of new camera installs or disconnects from the previous 24 hours. Navigate to the Dashcams section of the Safety Hub to dive into the health status of all Dashcams
    • View Requested Videos: The count of requested videos available or pending from requests made in the previous 24 hours. Navigate to the Requests section of the Safety Hub to view all requests





    This takes you directly into the coaching workspace where you can quickly identify which drivers need coaching and begin the coaching workflow.

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    This takes you directly into a high-level view of Driver performance across each of the 4 behavior categories for a given time duration.

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    This takes you directly into the individual safety event review workflow. Learn how to view a safety event.

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    This takes you directly into the individual speeding event review workflow. Learn how to monitor Fleet’s speeding behavior.

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    This is where you can view all of your requested video and their current statuses. 

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    Track the overall health of dashcam devices across the entire fleet. 

    Screenshot (263).png


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