How to Rename or Remove a Group

    Audience Fleet Admins
    Applies To Fleet Dashboard



    Fleet Admins can rename or remove groups from the Fleet Dashboard.

    Steps: Renaming or removing a group


    Rename A Group

    1. Log into the Fleet Dashboard and click on Admin in the left-hand side menu.
    2. Click on Groups from the Organization dropdown on the left-hand side menu.
    image (17).png
    3. Click on the three-dotted button in the Actions column for the group you want to rename. 
    4. Click on Rename from the dropdown menu to change the name of the group.
    5. A pop-up displays, enter the name in the field
    6. Click on the Rename button.

    Remove A Group

    1. From the list of groups, click on the three-dotted button in the Actions column for the group you want to remove. 
    2. Click on Remove from the dropdown list to remove the group.

    3. A pop-up displays, click on the Remove button to delete the group.



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