How to enable In-cab audio alerts on the Motive Fleet Dashboard

    Audience Fleet Admins, Fleet Managers
    Applies to Fleet Admin Dashboard, Smart Dashcam, Al Dashcam



    Motive Dashcams provide real-time audio alerts inside the cab to notify drivers about safety events, such as harsh driving incidents, speeding, or disconnection from the Vehicle Gateway.


    Steps: Enabling In-cab audio alerts 

    1. Log into the Fleet Dashboard and click the Admin icon in the left-hand side menu.

    image admin.png

    2. Click Safety in the left-hand side menu.

    safety step 2.png

    3. Click Unsafe Behaviour Detection and Event Intelligence.

    safety step 3.png

    4. Click Edit

    safety step 4.png

    5. Select In-cab alert.

    safety step 5.png

    Note: Each type of safety event has an In-cab alert option that can be enabled. You can also set the threshold for these alerts according to your preference.

    6. Click Save

    safety step 6.png


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