How to claim/reject an unidentified trip in Driver App

    Audience Drivers
    Applies To Driver App



    Drivers can view unidentified trips in notifications and can accept them via Driver App.


    Steps: Claiming and rejecting an unidentified trip


    How to claim an unidentified trip

    1. Log into the Driver App and tap Logs.


    2. Recent driving events that are not associated with any Driver appear under the Unidentified Driving. Tap on your desired event from the list of unidentified trips.


    3. Tap Claim to claim the opened unidentified trip.

    4. A prompt displays asking you to choose between claiming an driving event as Driving, Yard Move, or Personal Conveyance. Tap Done, once you select from the options. 


    5. A confirmation notification Driving Event Claimed displays on the green bar. Claiming an unidentified trip adds that driving time to the respective day’s log. 



    How to reject an unidentified trip

    1. On the Unidentified Driving screen, tap Reject. A notification in green regarding trip rejected displays on the top of the screen. 


    Rejecting an unidentified trip removes the event from the list.

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