How to enable automatic annotation for Yard Move

    Audience Fleet Admins
    Applies To  Fleet Dashboard > Admin > Geofences 



    Automatic annotation for Yard Move for all unidentified trips within a designated Terminal/Yard helps save time and keep track of vehicles.

    Steps: Enabling automatic annotation for Yard Move 

    1. Log into the Fleet Dashboard, and click Admin in the left-hand side menu.


    2. Select Geofences from the Organization dropdown on left-hand side menu.

    image (16).png

    3. You can either add a new geofence or edit an existing geofence.
    a. Click on the Add Geofence button to add a new geofence
    b. Click on Edit from the Options dropdown to edit a geofence.


    4. Check the box to Automatically annotate Yard Moves.
    5. Click Save to save any changes made.



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