How to reassign trips to unidentified Driver profiles on Motive Dashboard

    Audience Fleet Managers
    Applies To Fleet Dashboard > Compliance > Logs



    Fleet Managers and Fleet Admins can help Drivers who accidentally claimed trips that were originally recorded as unidentified, by reassigning the trip back to the unidentified Driver profile. This enables the Fleet Admin to re-assign trips to the Co-Driver, in case the trip is showing up on the other Driver's logs. The Co-Drivers should be added to the logbook as part of the trip.


    Steps: Reassigning trips to unidentified Driver profiles

    1. On the Motive Fleet Dashboard, click on Compliance in the left-hand side menu.

    2. Click on Logs.

    3. Use the filters of Date, Drivers, and Logs to access the desired logs.


    4. Click on the row you want to reassign the trip for.


    5. Click on the Edit Log button.


    6. Under the action column, click the Reassign displayed to the right of the driving event. A dialogue box appears to reassign the driving event.


    7. In the Driver Name field, select Unidentified Driver from the dropdown menu.
    8. In the Note field, explain why the trip is being reassigned back to unidentified.
    9. Click on Assign to finish.


    The edited log with the re-assigned trip will be sent to the Driver for approval. Once your Driver approves the changes, their log will be updated. If your Driver rejects the edits, you will be notified via email.


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