How to cancel or reassign a pending unidentified trip assignment

    Audience Fleet Managers, Fleet Admins
    Applies To Fleet Dashboard > Fleet View > Trips



    Managing unidentified trips is not only about assigning them. Motive Fleet Dashboard enables Fleet Managers to cancel or reassign a pending trip assignment as well.


    Steps: Cancelling or reassigning a pending unidentified trip


    Cancel a Pending Trip Assignment

    1. Log into the Fleet Dashboard, and click on the Trips tab from Fleet View.


    2. Filter the Trips report by Trips with Pending Approval to display all pending trip assignments.

    3. Click on the trip you wish to cancel.


    4. In the top-right corner of the trip details, click on the Pending Driver Approval button and select Cancel Assignment in the dropdown menu.


    5. Confirm the request to cancel the trip assignment by clicking on the Cancel Log Edit button.


    6. Now, the trip assignment status is back to the Unidentified status.



    Reassign a Pending Trip Assignment to Another Driver

    1. From the Trips tab, click on the pending trip assignment you wish to reassign to another driver.


    2. In the top-right corner of the trip details, click on the Pending Driver Approval button and select Assign a different driver in the dropdown menu.


    3. Confirm the request to Cancel and Reassign the trip.


    4. Fill in the trip assignment details to complete the trip reassignment to another driver.

    5. Click on the Assign button once details have been added.


    6. The trip is now Pending Driver Approval for the newly assigned driver (Exempt drivers will be assigned automatically and will not require approval).



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