How to switch Cycle Rule on the Driver App


    Audience Drivers
    Applies To Driver App > Compliance



    The Driver App allows the driver to switch between the primary and secondary cycles for any current or past date.


    Steps: Switching Cycle Rule on the Driver App

    1. Log into the Driver App and tap Logs


    2. On the Logs screen, select the day you want to switch the cycle for.

    switch cycle rule 2.png

    3. Tap the three white dots in the top right corner.

    4. Tap on Cycle Rule.
    switch cycle rule 3 4 .png
    5. Select the cycle rule you want to use for this day.
    6. Tap Done.
    Switch cycle rule 5 6 .png
    6. If you are on the current day, you can edit your primary and secondary cycles by tapping Edit Cycles.
    switch cycle rule 7.png

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