What is Compliance Hub?

    Audience Fleet Managers
    Applies To Fleet Dashboard > Compliance



    The Compliance Hub is a powerful new feature that provides a 360-degree view to Fleet Managers into the fleet’s compliance health.


    How Compliance Hub helps you

    Compliance Hub helps the Fleet Managers to view the Logs, Trips, and Disconnects for their fleet. It helps them to quickly figure out which actions require their immediate attention using the new interface, helping them save time and get better visibility into their fleet’s performance.

    In this article you will learn:


    Compliance Hub Overview

    1. Log in to the Motive Fleet dashboard and click on Compliance in the left-hand side menu.


    This will take you to the Compliance Hub, where you can view:

    a) A Summary of your fleet’s compliance data.

    b) Charts for Logs, Trips and Inspections, Top HOS Violations, Top Form & Manner Errors.

    c) Driver and vehicle leaderboards with the Highest Compliance Risk.

    On the right-hand side of the page, you can access the Action Center to review violations, errors, and inspections (from the past cycle), Notifications, and some Quick Links.

    image 2.jpg

    Note: The Compliance Hub has a Today filter that specifically shows compliance data for the current day in comparison to the previous day. 

    Also, while using this filter, no Form & Manner Errors are displayed as they are generated based on the following day's log if issues are found. However, Fleets have the option to modify the filter to view these errors if needed.


    Compliance Hub Summary

    In the summary banner, you can view key Compliance metrics such as Trip Hours, Trip Distance, Active Drivers, Active Vehicles, HOS Violations, and Form & Manner (F&M) Errors in your fleet’s current default cycle as compared to the previous one.

    Note: Using the time toggle on the top right corner of the Summary banner, you can compare the last two, four, or eight cycles.


    • If the company cycle is 7 days, 7D, 14D, 28D and 56D filters will be shown.
    • If the company cycle is 8 days, 8D, 16D, 32D and 64D filters will be shown.
    • If the company cycle is 14 days, 14D, 28D and 56D filters will be shown.

    Note: If the longer cycle view is selected, the donut charts will transform into line graphs, allowing fleets to better visualize trends over a long period of time (8 cycles).



    Charts (Logs, Trips, and Inspections)



    With the Logs donut chart, a fleet can quickly review the total logs for the selected time period, broken into:

    • Compliant logs
    • Non-compliant logs


    Note: Clicking on either link takes you to the Logs page with the respective fields pre-filtered.

    For non-compliant logs, you can start correcting, sending log suggestions to drivers, and determining which drivers require a conversation.

    Hover over the red, non-compliant part of the donut chart to see the non-compliant logs broken down by violation type:

    • HOS violations
    • Form & manner errors
    • Logs with both issues




    With the Trips donut chart, you can quickly review the total trips for the selected time period and toggle between total trip count and total trip hours. The data is broken into:

    • Identified or annotated trips: Shows the resolved trips that are either identified or unidentified and annotated.
    • Unidentified trips: Shows the unresolved trips that are unidentified and don’t have an annotation.

    Clicking on either link takes you to the Trips page with the respective fields pre-filtered to show the relevant data. For unidentified trips, you can quickly assign or annotate those trips.

    Note: By default, the Trips chart displays the number of the trips. You can change the view of the chart for trip hours by clicking Hours on top.



    With the Inspections donut chart, you can quickly review the total number of inspections for the selected time period, broken into:

    • Defects resolved: Resolved defects, including reported defects that are already fixed or those that don’t need to be fixed.
    • Defect status unknown: Unresolved defects with unknown statuses are the defects fleets should focus on resolving.

    Clicking on either link takes you to the Inspections page in the Maintenance section with the respective fields pre-filtered to show the relevant data. For defect status unknown, you can quickly review and reach out to drivers to resolve the issue.


    Note: If you selected the longer cycle view from the Summary bar at the top, these charts display trend graphs which you can hover over for a more thorough breakdown.



    Top HOS Violations

    The Top HOS Violations chart shows the top five HOS Violations for the time period selected. The bars are broken down into violations greater than 30 minutes (dark blue) or less than 30 minutes (light blue).


    Note: These charts for Top HOS Violations are replaced with trend graphs for the longer cycle view.


    1. Hover over the charts to see the violations broken out by these two violation types ( >30m and <30m).
    2. Click on the title of the card to view the HOS Violations Detail report. You can identify the drivers with violations and check out their logs to help improve performance.



    Top Form & Manner Errors

    The Top Form & Manner Errors shows the different form and manner errors ranked in descending order for the time period selected.


    Note: These charts for Top Form & Manner Errors are replaced by trend graphs for the longer cycle view.


    Click on the title of the card to view the Form & Manner Errors Detail page. Here, you can identify the drivers with errors and check out their logs to help improve performance.



    Highest Compliance Risk


    Highest Compliance Risk leaderboards allow you to pinpoint individuals that require coaching and see how performance changes over time. There are three different leaderboards:

    A) Most Log Issues: The total combined count of HOS Violations and Form & Manner Errors by a driver during the selected time period. Click on the driver names to see their logs.

    B) Most Reassigned Trips: The count of trips assigned to a driver that were previously unidentified during the selected time period. Click on the driver names to see their recorded trips and understand why they aren’t originally being recorded as identified trips on the log.

    C) Most Unidentified Trips: The percentage of unidentified trips for a vehicle during the selected time period. These trips could be a risk out on the road by not being recorded on a driver’s log or being annotated, which would be considered a false log if officers catch them in a roadside inspection. Click into the vehicle name to see the unidentified trips. Assign them or add a note as to why they are unidentified.


    Action Center


    Action Center is where you can review the most recent violations, and if correctable, resolve them. These include:

    • Unidentified Trips
    • HOS Violations
    • F&M Errors

    Note: Clicking on any one of these review options takes you to their corresponding pages for a closer inspection.


    1. You can display Gateway Updates from Notifications underneath which tells you the number of disconnects and interrupted trips. Having visibility into this info helps fleets identify faulty equipment or drivers that are potentially engaging in bad behavior and may require a conversation.

    2. Clicking on Disconnects takes you to the Disconnects page.



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