How to transfer an ELD output file


    Audience  Fleet Managers
    Applies To  Fleet Dashboard > Compliance



    Motive Fleet Dashboard allows the Fleet Users to access, generate, and transfer an ELD Output file at their convenience.


    Steps: Transferring output files from Fleet Dashboard

    1. Log into the Fleet Dashboard and click on Compliance from the panel on the left-hand side.
    2. Click on the Send Output File button in the top right corner.


    3. Groups tab displays by default. Scroll down and click on the checkbox against the groups you want to include in the output file.
    4. Once done, click on the Drivers tab.
    5. Click on the checkboxes of all the drivers you want to include in the output file.
    6. Now, click on the Vehicles tab and find all the vehicles you want to view in the output file. 7. Click on the checkboxes for them.
    8. If you want to include all GroupsDrivers, and Vehicles in the output file, click on the checkbox of All Entities.
    9. To search a specific group, vehicle, or driver, click on the Search bar, enter details, and click Enter key.
    10. Click on the Next button to generate an output file.


    11. Click on the Calendar icon in the Start and End Date to open the calendar.

    12. Click on a date to make it the starting date and then click on another date to mark an interval for the output file.
    Note: Note: You cannot select any dates prior to 6 months ago, and you cannot select any dates prior to December 18th, 2017.



    13. Click on the Operating Jurisdiction of your choice by clicking on it.

    14. Select a Transfer Method by clicking on the radio button next to it.
    15. Add comments given by the auditor or the officer in the Add Comments textbox.
    16. Click on the Send button to send the request for the output file.
    Note: The Official Comment is a string of letters followed by numbers, eg. NEWS-194262.


    17. Once the output files have been sent, you will receive an email.
    Note: You will not be able to send another output file until the current request has been processed.


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