What is AI Dashcam and AI Omnicam Configurable Storage?

    Audience Fleet Managers, Fleet Admins
    Applies To AI Omnicam, AI Dashcam



    The Configurable Storage feature allows Fleet Admins and Fleet Managers to choose the storage capacity of AI Dashcam and AI Omnicam for recording driving videos. This feature is enabled by following the guidelines mentioned in this article.


    How AI Dashcam and AI Omnicam Configurable Storage Help You

    The Configurable Storage feature helps you configure the AI Dashcam's and AI Omnicam’s storage capacity to four different modes. It’s dependent on the device model you use and the mode you select. 

    The following table summarizes the recording capacity for AI Omnicam and AI Dashcam models (DC-53/54) and the impact on recording capacity when each mode is enabled.

    Note: Choose the mode that best suits your Fleet’s requirements because the video quality changes depending on the storage capacity of each selected mode.


    Note: Values in the table represent approximate hours available for recording. The storage capacity can only be configured on AI Dashcam and AI Omnicam models (DC-53 / 54) and can increase if in-cab audio recording or driver-facing recording is disabled (DC-54 only).



    AI Omnicam and AI Dashcam Configurable Storage Overview

    Highest Video Storage

    The Highest Video Storage mode allows access to maximum video storage capacity at 230 hours (200 hours for DC-53 - Road-facing camera and OC-1 Omnicam only).



    High Video Storage

    The High Video Storage mode provides an optimal storage capacity of 195 hours, sufficient for most customers (150 hours for DC-53 - Road-facing camera and OC-1 Omnicam only).



    High video quality (default)

    The High Video Quality (Default) mode balances storage capacity and video quality at 100 hours (90 hours for DC-53 - Road-facing camera and OC-1 Omnicam only).



    Highest video quality

    The Highest Video quality mode offers maximum video quality with 55 hours of storage (45 hours for DC-53 - Road-facing camera and OC-1 Omnicam only).



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