How to view and download requested videos from the Fleet Dashboard

    Audience: Fleet Managers, Fleet Admins
    Related To:  Fleet Dashboard



    Fleets can view videos of certain incidents and accidents and gain an in-depth analysis. Motive allows you to download the requested videos from the Fleet Dashboard.


    Steps: Viewing and downloading requested videos from the Fleet Dashboard

    1. Log into the Motive Fleet Dashboard and click Safety.

    2. Click Requests.

    3. Click the three dots on the side of the video that you requested.

    4. To download the video, select the video type.
    5. Another way to download videos is by clicking the download icon on every video.

    6. Once you download the video, it will be stored in the folder you chose to place the downloaded material. These videos can be viewed on any media player on your desktop or a laptop but the recommended media player is VLC media player.


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