How to search for Historical Vehicle Activity

    Audience  Fleet Admins
    Applies To  Fleet Dashboard > Fleet View 



    Motive allows you to search for historical vehicle activity in a particular area. This search is often used to identify vehicles in the area from general public reports and verify stop location.


    Steps: Viewing Historical Vehicle Activity

    1. Log in to the Motive Fleet Dashboard, and the Fleet View page displays by default.
    2. To view the History:
    a. Select the History tab at the top of Fleet View.
    b. Or, right-click on the map and select the Show History option from the dropdown.

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    3. Enter the desired location you would like to search (address, coordinates, place name, or plus code).
    4. Select the radius.

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    5. Enter the time range within the selected day you want to search activity for.

    Note: Days within the last 12 weeks are valid. The end time must be at least 1 minute after the start time. If you are searching for activity “Today,” the end time must be at least 10 minutes before the current time.


    6. Click the search button to execute your search.

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    7. The list of all the vehicles (and paired drivers) in the search radius during the time parameters appears on the screen.

    The time range provided on each card represents the first and last times the vehicle was active in the area on the specified day.

    8. The map displays the Location History of those vehicles for the entire search day.

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    9. Select a card to isolate the vehicle’s location history on the map.

    10. You can animate all returned vehicle paths or isolated (selected) paths using the play button and scroll bar at the bottom of the page.

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    11. Click the vehicle/driver name to open the details for individual history pages for that day.

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