How to download driver’s logs from Fleet Dashboard

    Audience Fleet Admins, Fleet Managers
    Applies To Fleet Dashboard



    A Fleet Manager or Fleet Admin can access a driver’s logs at any time. These logs can be filtered and downloaded as well, for example, in the form of drivers log book pdf.


    Steps : Downloading driver's logs from Fleet Dashboard


    Download A Single Log

    1. Log into the Fleet Dashboard and click on Compliance in the left-hand side menu. It displays an Overview of all logging events.

    2. Click on the Logs tab which displays a list of logs for the drivers in your fleet.


    3. Click on a row to view that day’s logs, or use the Search by date filter to select a date range for logs you would like to download.

    4. To refine your search for a specific driver, click the All Drivers filter and select the driver to view his logs.

    5. If you wish to only view Compliant Logs, Logs with Forms & Errors, or Logs with HOS Violations, use the Logs filter.


    6. Check the checkbox on the left side of each log to download it.


    7. Click the Download button in the top-right corner. Two options display on the menu; the United States and Canada.


    8. For the selected option, the driver’s logs and inspection reports are downloaded as a PDF file.


    Download Multiple Logs

    1. If you check the checkbox next to the Date at the top of the column, the first 25 logs are selected automatically.


    Note: You can only select 50 logs at a time


    2. Click the Download button in the top-right corner. Two options display on the menu; the United States and Canada.


    3. For the selected option, the driver’s logs and inspection reports are downloaded as a PDF file.


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