How to view Vehicle Details Report - Odometer and Engine Hours for all your Vehicles

    Audience Fleet Admins, Fleet Managers
    Applies To Fleet Dashboard



    A Vehicle Details Report includes details like ID, VIN, Type, License Number, Odometer, Lifetime Engine Hours, etc. Fleet Admins and Fleet Managers can access it from the Reports menu on the Fleet Dashboard.


    Steps : Viewing Details Report - Odometer and Engine Hours for all your Vehicles

    1. Log into the Fleet Dashboard and click on Reports in the left-hand side menu.

    2. Click on Vehicles under the Browse section.

    3. Scroll down and click on the Vehicles Detail from the list.


    4. Click on the Select Group dropdown to select which groups you want to view, along with Active/Deactivated and Assignments filters to help narrow down the specific reports you want to view. 

    5. The Vehicle Detail page also displays a summary of your Total Vehicles and the number of Vehicles with Vehicle Gateway.


    6. The table on the Vehicles Details page displays Vehicle information organized by Vehicle ID, Type, License Number, Odometer, Lifetime Engine Hours, Last Location, etc.

    7. To export the report details, click on Options in the top-right corner and select your preferred format. You can choose from Export as CSV or Export as PDF


    Once done, the reports are downloaded directly to your computer, and a copy of the same is sent via email.


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