How to view Split Sleeper Hours in Dashboard

    Audience Fleet Admins, Fleet Managers
    Applies To Fleet Dashboard



    This article addresses how Fleet Managers/Admins can utilize the Split Sleeper toggle feature for Drivers using US cycles in the Motive Fleet Dashboard.

    Note: Drivers must complete both qualifying periods of the split sleeper berth to avoid Hours of Service (HOS) violations. Once the second off-duty period is completed, the driver’s clocks will recalculate, and potential violations related to the timing of the split may be resolved. However, any violations unrelated to the split sleeper rule (e.g., driving beyond the allowed hours before the split) will not be removed. Keep in mind that violations may still appear before both qualifying periods are completed.


    Note: As a reminder, HOS violations displayed in the Driver App are not actual violations and Drivers are recommended to always use DOT Inspection mode during roadside inspections. The integrity of their records will be maintained and no violation flags will be presented to enforcement agents.


    Steps : Viewing Split Sleep Hours in Dashboard

    1. Log into the Fleet Dashboard. The Fleet View displays.

    2. Click on the Drivers tab to view a list of Drivers in your fleet.

    3. Click on the desired Driver profile to view their off-duty and on-duty hours. If the Driver has completed a qualifying split sleeper berth period (i.e. 2 hours Off-Duty/ Sleeper Berth), the hours are available to view.

    Note: This toggle will only be available for Drivers operating under US cycles.


    4. Click on the Profile tab of the Driver profile shows Hours of Service clocks and a toggle for Split Sleeper.

    5. Click on the toggle for Show Clocks with Split SB Provision to turn it on.


    6. Once the toggle turns green, the Split Sleeper Hours have been enabled for the Driver.



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