How to know which Drivers need Coaching

    Audience Fleet Managers 
    Applies To  Fleet Dashboard 



    The Coaching workspace in the Coaching section of the Motive Fleet Dashboard displays Drivers that need coaching based on their coachable behaviors such as log issues, and driver performance trends.

    Note: This feature is in the beta phase and is going to be released in August 2024.


    Steps: Knowing which Drivers need Coaching 

    1. Log in to the Fleet Dashboard and click Coaching from the left-hand side menu.


    2. In the Coaching tab, view the list of Drivers that need coaching.

    3. The Coaching tab contains various filters for viewing specific information related to drivers.

    • Driver: Search the driver name. If the Driver does not show up, they currently do not have any coachable behaviors.
    • Coachable behaviors: Choose specific behaviors to update the list with all Drivers eligible for coaching on that behavior.
    • Coaching History: Select a time range to see drivers eligible for coaching who have been coached within that period.
    • Coach: Search the coach name. If a coach does not show up, there are no Fleet Managers assigned as a coach.

    Sorting: Choose how to sort the list based on the options:

    a) Behavior count: Sorts by the number of behaviors a Driver needs coaching on.

    b) Date added to the list: Sorts by when the Driver was added, in descending order.

    c) Last coached: Sorts by when the Driver was last coached.

    d) Number of behaviors: Sorts by Drivers with the most behaviors to coach on, in descending order.


    4. There is a Summary section on the right-hand side of the screen summarizing the count of Drivers with coaching details. The summary will change according to the applied filters.
    The details available in the Summary section are:

    • Coachable drivers: This shows the total # of Drivers that need to be coached.
    • Recently coached: This shows the # of Drivers that recently had a coaching session.
    • Never coached: This shows the # of Drivers that have never been coached.
    • Category: This section shows a list of all the behaviors that Drivers need coaching on.


    5. Click Coach for the Driver you want to coach.



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