How to view, download, and schedule Motive Card transaction history

    Audience Fleet Managers
    Applies To  Fleet Dashboard > Cards 



    Drivers can use the Motive Card to purchase fuel from any location within the set parameters (if applicable). Fleets can view a card’s transaction history based on purchase and posted date through the Cards section of the Motive Fleet Dashboard.


    Steps: Viewing, downloading & scheduling Motive Card transaction history


    Viewing transaction history

    1. Log in to the Fleet Dashboard and click Cards.

    2. The Overview tab provides an overview of Total Spending, Savings, Spending Breakdown, and Top Spenders.


    3. Click Transactions to get an overview of your driver’s transaction history.

    Note: Select a cardholder or a card to get detailed insights into a Driver’s transaction history.

    4. Click the Search by cardholder filter to view the transactions of a specific cardholder.

    5. Click the Purchase date and Posted date filter to view specific transactions.


    Note: Applying the filter for the Posted date changes the column to Posted Date. 


    6. Use the Date filter to view the transactions between a set date parameter or the entire history of the card.



    Downloading transaction history

    1. To download the transaction history report, click the download icon.


    The report gets downloaded as a CSV file that includes the following details: 

    • Transaction date: The date when the card transaction is made.
    • Transaction time (billing timezone): Time when the card transaction is made.
    • Posted date: Transaction posted date.
    • Posted time (billing timezone): Transaction posted time.
    • Cardholder: Name of the cardholder. 
    • Driver ID: Driver ID of Driver/cardholder.
    • Vehicle ID: Vehicle used at the time of transaction.  
    • Merchant name: Name of the merchant where the transaction is made. 
    • Merchant ID: ID of the merchant. 
    • Merchant category code: Attributed as MCC of the merchant location.
    • State: Current jurisdiction information.
    • Status: Transaction status (pending, posted, declined, etc.)
    • Amount (in $): Gross amount for the transaction.
    • Savings (in $): Total savings for the transaction.
    • Net amount (in $): Amount minus the savings.
    • Invoice number: Number of the invoice in which the transaction is billed.
    • Network: In-network / out-of-network / direct discount.
    • Category: Category of purchase (diesel, gasoline, food, parking, tolls, etc.)
    • Groups: Groups associated with the cardholder.
    • Comments: Any additional information provided by Motive.
    • Decline reason: Reason for the transaction being declined. 
    • Flagged reason: Reason for the transaction being flagged.
    • Notes: Notes associated with the transaction.
    • Category 1: Category of purchase for item 1 in the transaction (diesel, gasoline, misc, etc)
    • Item cost 1: Gross amount for item 1.
    • Item savings 1: Savings for item 1.
    • Item net amount 1: Cost 1 minus savings 1.
    • Mastercard product description 1: Description of product code 1.
    • Item description 1: Description available in level 3 data for Item 1.
    • Unit of purchase 1: The unit of purchase (gallon, liter, etc.).
    • Quantity 1: Quantity purchased of item 1.
    • Price per unit 1: Item net amount 1 / quantity 1.
    • Per unit savings 1: If quantity is available, savings are calculated per unit.
    • Additional rebate per unit 1: If eligible, additional rebates are calculated per unit.
    • Your price 1: Effective net price paid per unit after considering all savings. 
    • Category 2: Category of purchase for item 2 in the transaction (diesel, gasoline, misc, etc)
    • Item cost 2: Gross amount for item 2.
    • Item savings 2: Savings for item 2.
    • Item net amount 2: Cost 2 minus savings 2.
    • Mastercard product description 2: Description of product code 2.
    • Item description 2: Description available in level 3 data for Item 2.
    • Unit of purchase 2: The unit of purchase (gallon, liter, etc.)
    • Quantity 2: Quantity purchased of item 2.
    • Price per unit 2: Item net amount 2 / quantity 2.
    • Per unit savings 2: If quantity is available, savings are calculated per unit.
    • Additional rebate per unit 2: If eligible, additional rebates are calculated per unit.
    • Your price 2: Effective net price paid per unit after considering all savings. 
    • Category 3: Category of purchase for Item 3 in the transaction (diesel, gasoline, misc, etc).
    • Item cost 3: Gross amount for item 3.
    • Item savings 3: Savings for item 3.
    • Item net amount 3: Cost 3 minus savings 3.
    • Mastercard product description 3: Description of product code 3.
    • Item description 3: Description available in level 3 data for Item 3.
    • Unit of purchase 3: The unit of purchase (gallon, liter, etc.).
    • Quantity 3: Quantity purchased of item 3.
    • Price per unit 3: Item net amount 3 / quantity 3.
    • Per unit savings 3: If quantity is available, savings are calculated per unit.
    • Additional rebate per unit 3: If eligible, additional rebates are calculated per unit.
    • Your price 3: Effective net price paid per unit after considering all savings.
    Note: Motive supports transactions with up to 3 line items only. Also, on rare occasions,  the total of item cost 1, item cost 2, and item cost 3 may not match the amount per transaction due to a merchant misconfiguration.


    Scheduling transaction history

    1. To schedule the transaction history go to the Reports section.

    2. Click Cards.

    3. Click Transaction Details report.




    4. The transaction details report contains transactions within the selected time frame. 



    Note: When you export this report as CSV or schedule this report as CSV, it includes all the columns including Gallons purchased, the amount spent per category etc as mentioned in the section viewing transaction history.

    5. Click the three-dot menu and click Schedule. Add the Schedule name, and recipients then change the schedule to Billing cycle period to schedule transactions for the previous billing cycle and click Schedule to save. 


    6. Once a billing cycle ends, the transaction details report is sent directly to the recipient's email.

    Note: This report only contains transactions at the card level. It does not include account-level adjustments.


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