Definition of AI Events Detected by AI Dashcams

    Audience Fleet Admins, Fleet Managers, Drivers
    Applies To  AI Dashcam



    Motive’s AI Dashcams can trigger safety event uploads and in-cab alerts that help drivers and safety managers analyze driving performance and prevent accidents on the road. Drivers can immediately correct unsafe behaviors with real-time alerts while safety videos are uploaded for further coaching. This visibility also helps fleets better recognize, celebrate, and reward their safe drivers.


    How Safety Behavior Triggers Help You

    Safety managers can view generated events in the Safety Hub and coach drivers based on their performance. Motive also provides the ability to automatically mark events as coachable based on the severity of the event in consideration.


    Note: Event detection and in-cab alerts can be configured, learn more


    Safety Behavior Triggers Overview

    • Event generation

    A safety event is displayed in the Safety Hub under the Events tab.

    • In-cab alerts

    Audio and visual alerts are played in-cab for the driver associated with the safety event. The LED bar on the AI Dashcam blinks red when a coachable behavior occurs. 


    Safety Event Triggers Definition

    The following section shows different parameters that generate a safety event and the parameters that generate an in-cab alert for the driver.

    Note: These threshold definitions are fully customizable. Check out this help center article and webinar to see how you can tailor them to your specific safety needs.


    Safety Event Triggers


    Close following

    • What is it detecting? The driver is tailgating other vehicles with an unsafe following distance.
    • Event generation trigger definition: A following distance of 0.7 seconds is maintained for at least 15 seconds when traveling above 35 mph.
    • In-cab alert definition: A following distance of 0.7 seconds is maintained for at least 15 seconds when traveling above 35 mph.
    • Supported dashcam models: DC-53, DC-54


    Unsafe lane change

    • What is it detecting? The driver is tailgating other vehicles with an unsafe following distance while making a lane change.
    • Event generation trigger definition: A following distance of 0.5 seconds or less is maintained for at least 5 seconds when traveling above 35 mph while changing lanes.
    • In-cab alert definition: A following distance of 0.5 seconds or less is maintained for at least 5 seconds when traveling above 35 mph while changing lanes.
    • Supported dashcam models: DC-53, DC-54


    Cell phone usage

    • What is it detecting? The driver is using, holding, or looking down at a cell phone while driving (not in a holder).
    • Event generation trigger definition: Using a phone for at least 5 seconds when traveling above 25 mph.
    • In-cab alert definition: Using a phone for at least 5 seconds when traveling above 25 mph.
    • Supported dashcam models: DC-54


    Seatbelt violation

    • What is it detecting? The driver’s seatbelt is not worn properly over the shoulder.
    • Event generation trigger definition: The seatbelt is unbuckled for at least 5 seconds when traveling above 25 mph.
    • In-cab alert definition: The seatbelt is unbuckled for at least 5 seconds when traveling above 25 mph.
    • Supported dashcam models: DC-54


    Driver distraction

    • What is it detecting? The driver is not looking straight ahead due to distraction from food/drink, drowsiness, or something else (not cell phones).
    • Event generation trigger definition: Looking down for at least 5 seconds when traveling above 25 mph.
    • In-cab alert definition: Looking down for at least 5 seconds when traveling above 25 mph.
    • Supported dashcam models: DC-54


    Stop sign violation

    • What is it detecting? The driver does not adhere to traffic laws and does not decelerate safely to complete a full stop at a stop sign.
    • Event generation trigger definition: The vehicle speed does not fall below 6 mph within 7 seconds after the stop sign is no longer visible to the dashcam.
    • In-cab alert definition: The vehicle speed does not fall below 6 mph within 7 seconds after the stop sign is no longer visible to the dashcam.
    • Supported dashcam models: DC-53, DC-54


    Hard braking

    • What is it detecting? A sudden change in the direction or speed of the vehicle where more force than normal is applied while accelerating, braking, or turning too aggressively.
    • Event generation trigger definition: Based on a set threshold between 7.46 mph/s (0.34G) and 12.28 mph/s (0.56G), depending on vehicle make and model.
    • In-cab alert definition: Based on a set threshold between 7.46 mph/s (0.34G) and 12.28 mph/s (0.56G), depending on vehicle make and model.
    • Supported dashcam models: DC-33, DC-34, DC-53, DC-54


    Hard acceleration

    • What is it detecting? An abrupt shift in the vehicle's direction or speed, marked by the application of heightened force during overly aggressive acceleration.
    • Event generation trigger definition: Based on a set threshold between 7.46 mph/s (0.34G) and 12.28 mph/s (0.56G), depending on vehicle make and model.
    • In-cab alert definition: Based on a set threshold between 7.46 mph/s (0.34G) and 12.28 mph/s (0.56G), depending on vehicle make and model.
    • Supported dashcam models: DC-33, DC-34, DC-53, DC-54


    Hard cornering

    • What is it detecting? The driver makes sharp turns with excessive force.
    • Event generation trigger definition: Based on a set threshold between 7.46 mph/s (0.34G) and 12.28 mph/s (0.56G), depending on vehicle make and model.
    • In-cab alert definition: Based on a set threshold between 7.46 mph/s (0.34G) and 12.28 mph/s (0.56G), depending on vehicle make and model.
    • Supported dashcam models: DC-33, DC-34, DC-53, DC-54



    • What is it detecting? The vehicle collides with another moving or stationary vehicle, object, person, or animal.
    • Event generation trigger definition: Using a combination of harsh event detection thresholds (accelerating, braking, cornering) or vehicle telematics signals such as airbag deployment, yaw control, rollover protection, or crash notification.
    • In-cab alert definition: N/A
    • Supported dashcam models: DC-33, DC-34, DC-53, DC-54


    Speeding over posted

    • What is it detecting? A driver is traveling above the posted speed limit for a specified duration.
    • Event generation trigger definition: The vehicle exceeds 6 mph over the posted speed limit for more than 1 minute.
    • In-cab alert definition: The vehicle exceeds 6 mph over the posted speed limit for more than 1 minute.
    • Supported dashcam models: DC-33, DC-34, DC-53, DC-54


    Speeding over policy

    • What is it detecting? A driver exceeds the company's defined maximum speed threshold.
    • Event generation trigger definition: N/A
    • In-cab alert definition: The vehicle exceeds 75 mph.
    • Supported dashcam models: DC-33, DC-34, DC-53, DC-54



    • What is it detecting? A driver exhibits early signs of fatigue, such as excessive yawning and distraction within a 2-minute period.
    • Event generation trigger definition
      • The driver yawns 2 times within a 2-minute period while traveling 5 mph or above
      • The driver records a distraction event (head looking down for 5 seconds) and then 1 yawn within 2 minutes while traveling 5 mph or above
    • In-cab alert definition
      • The driver yawns 2 times within a 2-minute period while traveling 5 mph or above
      • The driver records a distraction event (head looking down for 5 seconds) and then 1 yawn within 2 minutes while traveling 5 mph or above
    • Supported dashcam models: DC-54


    Obstructed camera

    • What is it detecting? The road or driver-facing camera is obstructed by a physical object or the camera is not installed correctly.
    • Event generation trigger definition
      • Road-facing obstructions: Any visible obstruction that is blocking the line of sight to the roadway and preventing the ability to detect other unsafe driving behaviors
      • Driver-facing obstructions: Any obstruction that is blocking the line of sight to the driver and preventing the ability to detect other unsafe driving behaviors
      • Installation issues: The camera is installed improperly and is tilted at an improper angle,  preventing the line of sight to the roadway, and/or driver in the vehicle which impacts the camera's ability to detect other unsafe driving behaviors
    • In-cab alert definition
      • Road-facing obstructions: Any visible obstruction that is blocking the line of sight to the roadway and preventing the ability to detect other unsafe driving behaviors
      • Driver-facing obstructions: Any obstruction that is blocking the line of sight to the driver and preventing the ability to detect other unsafe driving behaviors
    • Installation issues: The camera is installed improperly and is tilted at an improper angle, preventing the line of sight to the roadway, and/or driver in the vehicle which impacts the ability of camera to detect other unsafe driving behaviors
    • Supported dashcam models: DC-53, DC-54


    Forward collision warning

    • What is it detecting? The driver is headed straight towards a possible collision.
    • Event generation trigger definition: The vehicle is headed towards another vehicle at a speed exceeding 9 mph.
    • In-cab alert definition: The vehicle is headed towards another vehicle at a speed exceeding 9 mph.
    • Supported dashcam models: DC-53, DC-54

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