Audience Drivers, Fleet Admins Applies To Fleet Dashboard > Fleet View Introduction Map Trail Hover provides detailed tracking and monito...
Fuel & Maintenance for Fleet Managers
What is a Map Trail Hover?
Why is my Fleet Manager unable to add attachments in service notes?
Audience Fleet Admin, Fleet Manager Applies To Maintenance Service Note Answer This happens when Fleet manager account has limited per...
How to Calculate the Miles left of a Vehicle in the Maintenance Schedule under the Upcoming Tab?
Audience Fleet Admins, Fleet Managers Applies To Maintenance Schedules Answer: The miles left showing in the Upcoming tab under the Mai...
How to edit service notes
Audience Fleet Managers, Fleet Admins Applies To Fleet Dashboard > Maintenance Introduction Motive lets Fleet Admins/Managers receive pre...
Can Fault codes be seen/checked on driver app?
Audience Drivers Applies to Driver App Answer: Fault codes cannot be seen on the driver app Fault codes can be seen by clicking on the v...
How to view Fuel Purchase Import History
Audience Fleet Admins, Fleet Managers Applies To Fleet Dashboard > Fuel Introduction Fleets can view the import history for all the Fuel...
How to download IFTA Report from Fleet Dashboard using a cell phone
Audience Fleet Admins, Fleet Managers Applies To Fleet Dashboard Introduction Fleet users can view and download IFTA fuel reports to have...
Unable to view IFTA distance summary
Audience Fleet admins, Fleet managers Applies to Subscription Symptoms: Unable to view IFTA distance summary Want more options for Saf...
How to check total fuel costs
Audience Fleet Managers/Fleet Admins Applies to Fleet Dashboard > Reports Introduction Fleets can check the total cost of fuel using the ...
How long does it take for IFTA to update/Populate?
Audience Fleet Admin Applies To Fleet Dashboard > Dispatches (Enterprise Subscription) Answer: IFTA is generated on the date or state ...
How to clear Open Defects from Maintenance Inspection Reports
Audience Fleet Admins, Fleet Managers Applies To Fleet Dashboard > Maintenance > Inspections Introduction Fleet Dashboard enables the Fle...
How to use the fuel_receipts_template; I can't store the correct vehicle number it reads "invalid"
Audience Fleet Managers, Fleet Admins Applies To Fleet Dashboard Introduction If you are unable to store the correct vehicle number and...
How to Include Vehicles in IFTA Calculations
Audience Fleet Admins, Fleet Managers Applies To IFTA reports Introduction In this article we will learn how to include vehicles for IF...
How to exclude vehicles in IFTA calculations
Audience Fleet Admins, Fleet Managers Applies To IFTA reports Introduction In this article we will learn how to exclude vehicles from I...
How to Edit Fuel Purchase
Audience: Fleet Manager Applies to: Fleet Dashboard >Fuel >Fuel Purchase Introduction: In this article, you will learn how to edit alrea...
How to edit/change information on Fuel Receipts
Audience Fleet Managers/Admin Applies to Fleet Dashboard Introduction This article will help Fleet Admins and Fleet Managers how to edit ...
Does Motive account for special mileage exemptions, such as toll roads?
Audience Fleet Admins Applies To IFTA Answer: Yes. The Vehicle Gateway records a vehicle’s location each minute a vehicle is in motion....
How to download fuel receipts using Fleet Dashboard
Audience Fleet Managers, Fleet Admins Applies To Fleet Dashboard > Fuel Introduction Motive allows Fleet Managers and Fleet Admins to dow...
What are some points to remember for IFTA?
Audience Fleet Admins, Fleet Managers Applies To IFTA Answer: IFTA is the cooperative agreement between 48 states in the U.S. and 10 pro...
How to download Fuel Purchases detail report from Motive Fleet Dashboard
Audience Fleet Admins, Fleet Managers Applies To Fleet Dashboard > Fuel Introduction Fleet Dashboard enables Fleet Admins and Fleet Manag...
Miles Not Populating
Audience Fleet Managers, Fleet Admins Applies To Fleet Dashboard Symptoms: Miles Not Populating I can’t see miles updating in the Vehic...
How to import Fuel Purchases using the Motive template on Fleet Dashboard
Audience Fleet Admins, Fleet Managers Applies To Fleet Dashboard > Fuel > Fuel Purchases Introduction Motive allows Fleet Admins and Flee...
Can IFTA summary reports be viewed and downloaded on the driver APP
Audience Drivers, Fleet Admins, Fleet Managers Applies To IFTA Summary Answer IFTA reports are for Fleet Managers and Admins only to vi...
How to download Distance Summary report
Audience Fleet Admins Applies To Fleet Dashboard > Reports Introduction Fleet Admins can download Distance Summary Reports using ...
How to settle Fuel Purchase Irregularity
Audience Fleet Managers Applies To Fleet Dashboard > Fuel Introduction Motive helps Fleet Admins and Fleet Managers to identify irregu...
Assign Vehicle to a Motive Card Transaction for IFTA Purpose
Audience Fleet Managers, Fleet Admins Applies To Fleet Dashboard Introduction Fleet Admins can automatically sync their Motive Card fu...
How to view Fuel Purchase Irregularities on Fleet Dashboard
Audience Fleet Admins, Fleet Managers Applies To Fleet Dashboard > Fleet View Introduction Fuel Purchase Irregularities feature allows F...
How to add a Service Note on Fleet Dashboard
Audience Fleet Admins, Fleet Managers Applies To Fleet Dashboard > Maintenance Introduction Fleet Dashboard allows Fleet Managers...
How to view and download Driver's Inspection Reports
How to view Maintenance History Detail Report
Audience Fleet Admins, Fleet Managers Applies To Fleet Management Introduction Motive helps you stay on top of maintenance by maintai...