What is USA Short Haul Property Cycle?

    Audience Drivers, Fleet Admins
    Applies To Driver App, Fleet Dashboard



    • It Allows shift to start after any period of 10+ hours off duty/sleeper/waiting
    • Driver must not drive after 14 hours since the start of the shift
    • Driver must not drive more than 11 hours per 14-hour shift
    • Driver must not drive after 8 hours of driving time since the last off-duty/sleeper/waiting/on-duty-not-driving of 30+ minutes
    • 150 air mile exception ”Non-CDL Driver” allows a short-haul exception to extend the shift to 16 hours
    • For 60/70 weekly option, cycle starts 7/8 days before the end of the current day
    • For 60/70 weekly option, must not drive after 60/70 hours on duty/driving since the cycle started


    No 8-hour breaks required,  100 Air Mile Exception150 Air Mile Exception, CDL Required Driver, Non-CDL Driver, Short haul exception allowed, ‘None’ default for weekly cycles

    Cycle Resets:




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