What is the Motive Card Auto Freeze Feature?


    Audience Fleet Managers/Fleet Admins
    Applies To Fleet Dashboard > Cards



    In an effort to enhance the security of Motive cards and protect against fraudulent transactions, we've introduced a new feature to automatically freeze the card after a specified number of declined transactions within a defined timeframe. This feature addresses authentication and authorization concerns.

    If consecutive transactions are declined for the reasons below within 1 hour for X number of attempts, we are freezing the card.
    • Invalid billing zip code ~ 6 attempts within 1 hour
    • Invalid security code ~ 4 attempts within 1 hour
    • Invalid expiration date ~ 4 attempts within 1 hour
    • High fraud risk ~ 4 attempts within 1 hour
    • Combo ~ 6 total attempts within 1 hour
    Screenshot 2023-08-28 at 12.28.47 PM.png
    The Fleet Admins can follow this article to unfreeze the card. 
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