How to add an agriculture source before entering the 150 air miles radius using Driver App

    Audience Driver
    Applies To Driver > ELD Required



    Motive empowers Fleet Admins to activate an agriculture exception for ELD drivers, streamlining operations. With this feature, drivers can designate an agricultural source in the app and receive timely notifications upon entering or exiting the 150 air miles radius from the source. Furthermore, any duty status recorded within this radius is automatically annotated to reflect the utilization of the agriculture exception. Reference to CFR 395.1(k) to learn more.

    Steps: Adding an agriculture source before entering the 150 air miles radius

    1. Open the driver hub bottom drawer. Go to the Agriculture Exception and enable the toggle. You will be redirected to a map screen to choose an “agricultural source” for the first time.

    2. If you are away from the agricultural source, you can add the location either by typing the address in the search bar or moving the pin. 

      • Add location by using the search bar

    Agricultural Exception.gif

    • Add location by moving the blue pin


    3. After selecting the location, hit Save location button.


    4. You will be notified to switch to unregulated vehicle mode before entering the 150 air miles from the agricultural source. Tap Okay.

    Screenshot (136).png

    5. Once you reach 155 air miles from the added location, you will receive a notification to switch to “unregulated” vehicle mode

    • If the application is in the foreground, you will see the notification on the driving lock screen.


    • If the application is in the background, you will receive a push notification.


    6.  Stop the vehicle’s engine at a safe distance and tap on the notification to switch to Unregulated vehicle mode. 



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