How to use coaching status for logs in the Fleet Dashboard

    Audience Drivers, Fleet Admins, Fleet Managers
    Applies To Fleet Dashboard > Compliance > Logs



    Fleet Admins and Fleet Managers can use the coaching status of a log to guide it through the coaching workflow, addressing any compliance issues in the logs.


    Steps: Using coaching status for logs

    1. Log in to Fleet Dashboard and click Coaching.


    2. Click Logs. 

    3. In the Coaching Status column, you see a corresponding status for each log indicating the required action:

    • Needs review: This log contains at least one Hour of Service (HOS) violation or Form & Manner error and requires further scrutiny.
    • Coachable: This log needs coaching and this is addressed in an upcoming coaching session.
    • Coached: This log is reviewed, and the Driver receives coaching on the identified issues.
    • Dismissed: After review, the Driver is absolved of fault for the issues found in this log.
    • Not coachable: This log shows no HOS violations or Form & Manner errors and does not need coaching.
    Note: You can filter the logs using the Coaching Status.

    4. Select a log in the list to view its details and change its Coaching Status.


    5. Click the Needs review option in the dropdown to change the Driver’s log.


    6. After selecting the status, the log updates automatically. Logs marked Coachable move to the Coaching tab for detailed sessions with Drivers.


    7. Add Notes on the right side of the page.


    8. Click Enter.


    9. A green confirmation message displays at the top of your screen to confirm the change.



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