How to view and export IFTA Fuel Reports

    Audience Fleet Admins, Fleet Managers
    Applies To Fleet Dashboard



    Fleet users can view and download IFTA fuel reports to have an overview of your fleet’s average fuel consumption metrics for a desired period of time.



    Note: IFTA reports are available only for customers with ENT subscriptions.
    To upgrade your subscription please contact us.


    Steps: View and Export IFTA reports


    View IFTA Reports

    1. On the Motive Fleet Dashboard, click on Fuel in the left-hand side menu.

    2. Click on the IFTA summary tab. You can see an overview of your fleet’s average fuel consumption metrics for a selected time period.

    3. Filter the report through filters of Date, Jurisdiction, Fuel Type, and IFTA Vehicles. Click on your desired filter to expand the dropdown and select your desired value.


    4. Click on the Trip Reports tab to view a more detailed view of individual trips.



    Download IFTA Reports

    1. Click on Reports from the left-hand side menu of the Dashboard.

    2. Click on the IFTA button under the Browse section.

    3. Click on the Distance Summary report.


    4. Click on the Date field to select the start and end dates for a report. Click on Groups, Jurisdiction, Fuel Types, and IFTA Vehicles filters for data filtering.

    5. Click on the three dots and select your preferred file format to Export or Make a copy or Schedule.


    Once done, the reports are downloaded directly to your computer, and a copy of the same is sent via email.

    To sign your company up for IFTA Fuel Tax Reporting, chat with us, call (855) 434-3564 or email

    Note: There may be instances of incomplete data if IFTA reports are pulled immediately after the end of the month. In Motive’s ongoing efforts to ensure the accuracy and reliability of our services, we advise our customers to wait at least three days after the month ends before pulling IFTA reports. This precaution is necessary due to potential data compilation delays or connectivity issues that may result in missing or incomplete information in the reports. Additionally, verify that all vehicles, from which trips are expected, have reported their trips for the final days of the period before pulling the report to ensure no miles are missed.


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