How to edit an order and dispatch

    Audience  Fleet Managers 
    Applies To  Dispatch 



    With the Motive Dispatch feature Fleet Managers can create, manage and track dispatch progress from the Fleet Dashboard.

    Steps: editing an order and dipatch 

    1. Log into the Fleet Dashboard and click on Dispatch in the left-hand side menu.

    On the Dispatch page, you can review the order status. The orders without assigned driver and vehicle appear as pending.
    2. Click on the ‘...’ menu for order and click on Edit to edit the dispatch order.


    3. In the Edit Dispatch page click on the Assign Driver dropdown to assign a driver and click on the Assing Vehicle dropdown to assign a vehicle.

    You can navigate to different sections by clicking on the section name in the left-hand side menu. Make the desired changes and click on Save to proceed.

    Note: You CANNOT edit an In progress dispatch order.




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