How to enable custom metadata field input for Motive Cards

    Audience  Fleet Admins 
    Applies To  Fleet Dashboard > Admin > Cards 



    A Fleet Admin can mandate a custom metadata input to be provided by drivers in their fleet before each transaction for Motive Cards using the Fleet Dashboard. This field can either be Free Text input or Single-select dropdown, based on your preference.


    Steps: Adding a custom metadata field for Motive Cards

    Giving Permissions to Admins to Add Custom Data Field

    1. Log in to the Fleet Dashboard and click the Admin icon at the bottom left corner.


    2. Click Fleet Users in the left-hand side menu.
    3. Click the Roles and Permissions tab.
    4. Click Options in the Actions column on your required Fleet User.
    5. Click Edit from the dropdown menu.


    6. The Edit Role screen displays. Scroll down to the Cards section and click the checkbox of Card Management and Manage Configuration.
    7. Click Save at the top right corner.


    The selected Fleet User can now add or delete a custom metadata field for drivers.

    Adding a Free Text Input custom metadata field

    1. Log in to Fleet Dashboard and click Admin.
    2. Click Cards under PRODUCTS dropdown on the left-hand side.
    3. Click Edit for Transaction Metadata.

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    4. Click Add Custom Field.
    5. Choose Text input from the dropdown.

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    6. Provide a label for the free text field.
    7. Hit Save.

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    Note: This free-text input field is enabled only for cardholders who either have a contact number available in their profile or have Motive Driver App version >=69.0 installed on their mobile device. The cardholders for whom this feature is not enabled can continue to use the Motive Card as earlier.


    Note: If this feature is enabled, cardholders need to log in to the Driver App and provide the free text input or use SMS to provide this info before making a Motive Card transaction, otherwise the transaction gets immediately declined


    Adding a Single-select Input custom metadata field

    1. Repeat steps from 1 to 4 from the section above.
    2. Choose Single-select from the dropdown.

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    8. Choose a label for your Single-select dropdown field.
    9. Add the Options that should be displayed in the dropdown.
    10. You get 2 blank options by default which can be renamed. To add more, click Add option.

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    11. Enter labels for the options added.
    12. Hit Save.
    13. To delete an option added, click the Cross present next to the name of that option.

    Note: This free-text input field is enabled only for cardholders who either have a contact number available in their profile or have the updated Motive Driver App installed on their mobile device. The cardholders for whom this feature is not enabled can continue to use the Motive Card as earlier.


    Note: If this feature is enabled, cardholders need to log in to the Driver App and provide the free text input or use SMS to provide this info before making a Motive Card transaction, otherwise the transaction gets immediately declined.


    9. Once the custom field has been enabled, Drivers receive an SMS and a push notification to provide input for the custom field via the Motive Driver App or SMS before using the Motive Card.

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