Motive Custom Safety Score

    Release Date

    January 2024



    The Motive Custom Safety Score enables the Fleets to customize the Safety Score by adjusting the behavior thresholds, behavior weights, and performance band definitions.  


    Motive Custom Safety Score Overview

    The following table explains the difference between the Motive-defined Safety Score and the Custom Safety Score:



    Behavior thresholds

    image 1.jpg


    Behavior weights



    Performance bands

    image 3.jpg



    How is the custom Safety Score calculated?

    The formula remains the same as the Motive-defined score, but factors in the custom behavior thresholds, behavior weights, and performance band are calculated to get the output. The score = 100 - (sum of all behavior impacts).

    To calculate a Driver’s score, the model:

    • Aggregates all the events that exceeded the behavior thresholds for that behavior in the past 4 weeks. These calculations are made on a rolling basis.
    • Calculates the likelihood of an unsafe behavior's occurrence per 1,000 miles traveled. This normalized event rate makes the data easier to compare and ensures that Drivers who drive more are not unfairly penalized.
    • Determines the behavior’s impact on the score based on the weight of the behavior and the likelihood of that unsafe behavior's occurrence per 1,000 miles. Behaviors that are more likely to cause collisions are given greater weight.
    • Calculates the final score by subtracting the sum of impact across all behaviors from 100. The resulting safety score provides an accurate risk profile of the Driver.


    What happens to previous scores if I customize my Safety Score?

    Previous scores (up to a year) are updated using your newly configured custom formula.


    Is there an option to reset Safety Scores when the custom Safety Score launches?

    Yes, please contact your account representative or support to reset your scores.


    What happens if I customize my score without first resetting the score?

    Doing this may lead to some fluctuations in scores, especially if there's significant customization. If your Fleet relies majorly on the Safety Score for tracking Driver performance, we recommend resetting the score to avoid Driver confusion.


    Can I change the name of the performance bands?

    Yes, you can reach out to support to change the name of performance bands For example, you can change “good” to “average”.


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