How to activate and assign a Motive Card

    Audience Fleet Admins, Fleet Managers
    Applies To Fleet Dashboard > Admin



    Fleet Admins and Fleet Managers can assign a Motive Card to a driver or a vehicle of their choice. 


    Steps: Activating and assigning a Motive Card

    1. Log in to the Fleet Dashboard and click the Admin icon at the bottom left corner.


    2. Click Cards in the left-hand side menu.
    3. Click the Card Management tab.

    Screenshot (88).png

    4. Click Activate now at the top banner.

    img 2.png

    5. A popup screen displays. Enter the last 4 digits of the Motive Card number in the first field. 

    img 3.png

    6. If the Fleet has two cards with same last 4 digits, you will be prompted to enter the Card ID. The Card ID is a 1 to 6-digit number located at the front of the Motive Card above the company name.


    7. Click the Driver or Vehicle category to assign the Motive Card.

    8. Click the dropdown menu to select the Driver or Vehicle of your choice.

    Note: Make sure the Driver or vehicle has an active profile with the Fleet.

    9. Click the Spend profile dropdown to select a Spend profile for the card.

    Note: The default Spend profile is automatically pre-selected. 


    10. Click Activate.

    img 4.png


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