How to check available credit on your Motive Card account?

    Audience Fleet Admins
    Applies To  Fleet Dashboard > Admin 



    Admin Dashboard allows the fleet users to check the overall remaining credit assigned to all of the Motive cards.


    Steps: Checking Motive Card available credit limit

    1. Log into the Fleet Dashboard and click on the Admin icon.


    2. Click on Cards in the left-hand side menu.

    3. In the Billing tab, you can view the Current Balance and Available Credit in the Overview section.

    • The Current Balance shows the amount that has been used so far and will be due in the next billing cycle.
    • Available Credit shows how much more credit you can spend using the Motive Card.

    Screenshot (90).png

    4. The Next Payment Date can be seen in the Payments section.

    Note: Full balance is due on each billing cycle.



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