*New Fleet Managers Start Here* - Getting Started with Motive for Fleet Managers

    Welcome to Motive! We are happy to have you on board. At Motive, multiple resources are available to help you get started and make the most of your investment. Please read through the steps given below to understand our onboarding documentation and set your fleet up for success.

    Step 1: Setup Fleet Manager Account

    1. Difference Between a Fleet Manager and a Fleet Admin

    Both Fleet Managers and Fleet Admins have access to the Fleet Dashboard and Report tabs. However, the Fleet Admin has access to the Admin panel from the bottom-left of the Fleet Dashboard.


    This admin section allows the users access to manage their entire fleet. Fleet Admins have the ability to make changes such as: adding new Drivers/Fleet Managers/vehicles/assets, updating company information, etc. The layout of the Fleet Dashboard is customized as per the Admin’s requirement.

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    2. Sign Up for a Motive Fleet Account

    1. From the website, click on the Login button at the top right.

    2. Click Sign Up

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    3. Enter the required information in the fields.
    4. Click on the checkbox given for Terms and Conditions.
    5. Click on the Captcha checkbox.
    6. Click on the Next button.


    7. Enter your company DOT # to automatically upload relevant information.
    8. If your company is already registered with Motive, a Request to Join button appears in the search results next to the company. Click the button to send a request to the Fleet Admin of the company.


    9. If your company is not yet registered or does not have a DOT #, enter the company details manually. When finished, click Go to Dashboard.



    Step 2: Setup Fleet View

    1. What is a Fleet View Map 

    Fleet View brings all your fleet resources under one view, making it quick and easy to efficiently navigate between vehicles, drivers, or assets.


    1. Log into the Fleet Dashboard and click on the Fleet View in the left-hand side menu.

    • You can view Vehicles, Drivers, or Assets from the Fleet View Map or the list.
    • You can also use the Search box to find a specific vehicle, driver, or asset.

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    2. Use the dropdown next to the Filter button to find entities more quickly and order the list for the preferred option. You can also use the Filter button to customize your search.


    The icons next to the entities give you an overview of their status:

    The vehicle, asset, or driver is active and moving.


    The vehicle is idling.


    The vehicle, asset, or driver is stationary.


    The driver is active. This only applies to drivers using the free version of the Motive Driver App (without a Vehicle Gateway).


    This status symbol indicates outdated information. It shows up if one of the below conditions are met:


    • Vehicle/Driver/Asset: No updates have been received for the last 4 hours, and the most recent recorded status update was moving or idling.
    • Vehicle/Driver: No updates for the last 24 hours, and the most recent recorded status update was stationary.
    • Assets: No updates for the last 40 hours, and the most recent recorded status update was stationary.
      Motive Driver App (Driver without a Vehicle Gateway): No updates have been received for the last 24 hours.

    3. To view more information or a detailed view of an entity, click on that entity in the list or on the map.


    You can see one of the three views mentioned below:

    • Vehicles Live View: This detailed view shows information regarding the status of your vehicle, location data, current driver, telematics, Smart Dashcam footage, and live map view.


    • Drivers Live View: This detailed view shows information regarding the status of your driver, location data, current vehicle, hours of service, other details, and a live map view.


    • Assets Live View: This detailed view shows information regarding the status of your asset, location data, battery status, telematics, other details, and a live map view.


    4. You can switch between Live and History tabs within any detailed view of an entity. Click on the History tab to view the location history of an entity.


    Note: The option to access functionalities such as Logs is currently available for the Android version of the Fleet App.


    2. How to view Asset and Vehicle Location History in Fleet View

    1. Log into Motive Fleet Dashboard and select a vehicle or asset.


    Fleet View includes a History tab for all your connected vehicles and assets. After selecting a vehicle or asset, toggle from your Live view to History. Here you can view the past activity for a given day. Learn more about the Fleet View Map here.

    2. Toggle from your Live view to History to view the past activity for a given day.

    3. Change the date by using the date filter as highlighted below.


    4. Click on a driving period under the History tab to see any critical driving events on the map and videos if the vehicle has a Dashcam connected.

    5. Click on the Request Video button if there is no video available on the selected trip (Smart Dashcam is required for this feature, learn more about How to install the Motive Smart Dashcam).


    6. Replay the daily movement of a vehicle by clicking on the play and pause buttons in the section highlighted below.

    Note: This is not currently available with tracked assets.



    3. How to view the driver's Location History 

    1. Log into the Motive Fleet Dashboard and click on Fleet View.
    2. Click on the Drivers tab.
    3. To select a driver of your choice, use the filter to refine your search.
    4. Click on a driver by scrolling down the list.


    5. On the Driver’s page, click on the History tab
    6. Select a specific date using the Date filter.
    7. You can review the driver’s day by dragging the time slider left or right.


    8. You can tap on any location pin to view more details.

    Note: To protect the privacy of drivers, Motive will only show the location data when a driver’s duty status is set to Driving or On Duty.



    Step 3: Compliance Hub

    1. What is Compliance Hub

    Compliance Hub helps the Fleet Managers view the Logs, Trips, and Disconnects for their fleet. It helps them to quickly figure out which actions require their immediate attention using the new interface, helping them save time and get better visibility into their fleet’s performance.

    1. Compliance Hub Overview

    1. Log in to the Motive Fleet Dashboard and click Compliance in the left-hand menu.


    This will take you to the Compliance Hub, where you can view:

    a) A Summary of your fleet’s compliance data.

    b) Charts for Logs, Trips and Inspections, Top HOS Violations, Top Form & Manner Errors.

    c) Driver and vehicle leaderboards with the Highest Compliance Risk.

    On the right-hand side of the page, you can access the Action Center to review violations, errors, and inspections (from the past cycle), Notifications, and some Quick Links.

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    Note: The Compliance Hub has a Today filter that specifically shows compliance data for the current day in comparison to the previous day.

    Also, while using this filter, no Form & Manner Errors are displayed as they are generated based on the following day's log if issues are found. However, Fleets have the option to modify the filter to view these errors if needed.

    2. Compliance Hub Summary

    In the summary banner, you can view key Compliance metrics such as Trip Hours, Trip Distance, Active Drivers, Active Vehicles, HOS Violations, and Form & Manner (F&M) Errors in your fleet’s current default cycle compared to the previous one.

    Note: Using the time toggle on the top right corner of the Summary banner, you can compare the last two, four, or eight cycles.



    • If the company cycle is 7 days, 7D, 14D, 28D and 56D filters will be shown.
    • If the company cycle is 8 days, 8D, 16D, 32D and 64D filters will be shown.
    • If the company cycle is 14 days, 14D, 28D and 56D filters will be shown.
    Note: If the longer cycle view is selected, the donut charts will transform into line graphs, allowing fleets to better visualize trends over a long period of time (8 cycles).



    3. Charts (Logs, Trips, and Inspections)


    With the Logs donut chart, a fleet can quickly review the total logs for the selected time period, broken into:

    • Compliant logs
    • Non-compliant logs


    Note: Clicking on either link takes you to the Logs page with the respective fields pre-filtered.


    For non-compliant logs, you can start correcting, sending log suggestions to drivers, and determining which drivers require a conversation.

    Hover over the red, non-compliant part of the donut chart to see the non-compliant logs broken down by violation type:

    • HOS violations
    • Form & manner errors
    • Logs with both issues

    4. Trips


    With the Trips donut chart, you can quickly review the total trips for the selected time period and toggle between total trip count and total trip hours. The data is broken into:

    • Identified or annotated trips: Shows the resolved trips that are either identified or unidentified and annotated.
    • Unidentified trips: Shows the unresolved trips that are unidentified and don’t have an annotation.
    • Clicking on either link takes you to the Trips page with the respective fields pre-filtered to show the relevant data. For unidentified trips, you can quickly assign or annotate those trips.
    Note: By default, the Trips chart displays the number of trips. You can change the view of the chart for trip hours by clicking Hours at the top.

    5. Inspections

    With the Inspections donut chart, you can quickly review the total number of inspections for the selected time period, broken into:

    • Defects resolved: Resolved defects, including reported defects that are already fixed or those that don’t need to be fixed.
    • Defect status unknown: Unresolved defects with unknown statuses are the defects fleets should focus on resolving.

    Clicking on either link takes you to the Inspections page in the Maintenance section with the respective fields pre-filtered to show the relevant data. For defect status unknown, you can quickly review and reach out to drivers to resolve the issue.


    Note: If you selected the longer cycle view from the Summary bar at the top, these charts display trend graphs which you can hover over for a more thorough breakdown.



    6. Top HOS violations

    The Top HOS Violations chart shows the top five HOS Violations for the time period selected. The bars are broken down into violations greater than 30 minutes (dark blue) or less than 30 minutes (light blue).


    Note: These charts for Top HOS Violations are replaced with trend graphs for the longer cycle view.



    1. Hover over the charts to see the violations broken out by these two violation types ( >30m and <30m).
    2. Click on the title of the card to view the HOS Violations Detail report. You can identify the drivers with violations and check out their logs to help improve performance.


    7. Top Form and Manner Errors

    The Top Form & Manner Errors shows the different form and manner errors ranked in descending order for the time period selected.


    Note: These charts for Top Form & Manner Errors are replaced by trend graphs for the longer cycle view.



    Click on the title of the card to view the Form & Manner Errors Detail page. Here, you can identify the drivers with errors and check out their logs to help improve performance.


    8. Highest Compliance Risk


    Highest Compliance Risk leaderboards allow you to pinpoint individuals that require coaching and see how performance changes over time. There are three different leaderboards:

    a) Most Log Issues: The total combined count of HOS Violations and Form & Manner Errors by a driver during the selected time period. Click on the driver names to see their logs.

    b) Most Reassigned Trips: The count of trips assigned to a driver that were previously unidentified during the selected time period. Click on the driver names to see their recorded trips and understand why they aren’t originally being recorded as identified trips on the log.

    c) Most Unidentified Trips: The percentage of unidentified trips for a vehicle during the selected time period. These trips could be a risk out on the road by not being recorded on a driver’s log or being annotated, which would be considered a false log if officers catch them in a roadside inspection. Click on the vehicle name to see the unidentified trips. Assign them or add a note as to why they are unidentified.

    9. Action Center


    Action Center is where you can review the most recent violations and, if correct, resolve them. These include:

    • Unidentified Trips
    • HOS Violations
    • F&M Errors

    Note: Clicking on any of these review options takes you to their corresponding pages for a closer inspection.


    1. You can display Gateway Updates from Notifications underneath, which tells you the number of disconnects and interrupted trips. Having visibility into this info helps fleets identify faulty equipment or drivers potentially engaging in bad behavior and may require a conversation.

    2. Clicking on Disconnects takes you to the Disconnects page.


    2. How to Add Notes and Assign Unidentified Trips

    1. Assign Unidentified Trips

    1. Log into the Motive Fleet Dashboard, and from the Fleet View section, click on the Trips tab.


    2. Click on the Assignments filter and select Unidentified.

    3. Click on the unidentified trip you want to resolve.


    1. Click on the Assign button from the trip’s detail page.


    2. Add Notes to an Unidentified Trip

    1. Click on the Driver Name field to select the Driver from the dropdown list. To annotate the selected trip, click on the Note text field.


    Note: You can either select a note from a list of dropdown options or enter it in custom text.


    2. Select a Trip Type and add a Note.

    3. Click on the Assign button.


    Note: For Exempt Drivers, the Trip Type field is not applicable. Simply annotate the trip Note and click Assign.


    4. How to view your driver’s Inspection Reports

    1. Log into the Motive Fleet Dashboard and click on Maintenance on the left-hand side menu.
    The Maintenance page displays and the Inspections tab opens by default. This tab displays all the Inspection Reports for vehicles and assets in your fleet.

    2. To customize the view of your report, use the filters at the top of the page. You can view your report for a selected date, vehicles and assets, types of Inspection Reports, and Drivers in your fleet.


    You can view Inspection Reports for All Vehicles & Assets or Assets.


    3. In the All Inspection Reports filter,

    • Use the Inspection With Defects option to filter all the Inspection Reports that include defects.
    • Use the Inspection Without Defects option to filter all the Inspection Reports without defects.
    • Use the Defects Corrected option to filter all the Inspection Reports which have defects corrected.
    • Use the Defects Need Not Be Corrected option to filter all the Inspection Reports which had defects and are marked as need not be corrected.
    • Use Defect Status Unknown option to filter all Inspection Reports that have open defects and needs mechanic attention.


    When you select Inspections With Defects, the page updates for the Inspections with defects.

    4. Click on the defects Status of the row of your choice to view a detailed Inspection Report for the date/vehicle/Driver of your choice. Doing so opens the Inspection Report for the selected date/vehicle/Driver.


    5. On the Inspection Report page, under the Defects section, the added defects are sorted into the Vehicle or Assets defects.


    Under the Driver Signature and Repair Status sections, the status of the defects is listed along with the Driver’s and mechanic’s signatures.

    Note: The mechanic signature can not be added when there are no defects.


    6. Click on Add Mechanic’s Signature.


    7. Add the status of the defects and click on Save to save the signature.


    The signature will be saved. You can click on Edit Mechanic Signature to change the defect status.


    You can also add notes to the Inspection Report.

    8. Click on Note on the top of the page to add a note to the Inspection Report or view all the previous notes that have been added. This is helpful for mechanics who can add their own notes regarding the defects.


    9. The Notes dialog box opens. Enter notes and click on Add Note.


    10. To download the Inspection Report, press the Download button at the top of the opened Inspection Report.


    Your Driver’s Inspection Report downloads as a PDF file.


    Note: To bulk download the Inspection Reports, check the boxes next to the reports you want to download and then click on the download button. All Inspection Reports will be downloaded as PDF files.



    Step 4: Fuel and Spend Management

    1. What is the Fuel Hub

    1. Fuel Hub Overview

    1. Log into the Motive Fleet Dashboard, click on Fuel in the left-hand side menu.


    2. You will be taken to the Fuel Hub, where you can track your fleet’s fuel consumption over time and understand key Driver behaviors that impact fuel economy. You can also track vehicle fuel performance to identify inefficient vehicles in your fleet.


    2. Fuel Hub Summary

    1. In the Summary metrics bar, you can view key fuel consumption metrics for your fleet for the selected time period. You can switch between different time periods by using the time toggle in the top right. Adjusting the time toggle will update the Summary metrics along with the dashboard graphs and charts below (Fuel Trends, Fuel Efficiency Factors, Driver Performance, Vehicle Performance, and Make & Model Performance). These metrics will help you quickly understand how the fleet’s activity trended from the previous time period. If you are viewing the Dashboard in metric units, you will be able to view these charts in KM/L.

    2. You can also filter out your search by clicking on the All Vehicle Types dropdown. You can then filter by Vehicle Class, Make, Model, Year, and Fuel Type.


    3. In the metrics bar you can view;

    • Fuel Score: The amount of total fuel saved within a given day trend.
    • Distance: Total distance covered in that time period.
    • Fuel Used: Percentage of fuel used in that time period.
    • Fuel Cost: The cost of total fuel.
    • Vehicle Utilization: Average percentage of fuel utilization by vehicles. If a vehicle operates PTO while idling, it counts towards utilization.
    • Idle Fuel: Fuel consumed while vehicles are idle.
    • Fuel Wasted/ Est. CO2 Emission (ton): The amount of fuel wasted in the time period.


    3. Fuel Trends

    1. In the Fuel Trends graph, you can view a 90-day trend of the metrics below:

    • FUEL SCORE: Understand the fuel consumption of your fleet.


    • AVG. MPG: Understand your fleet’s average MPG (Miles per Gallon) performance over a 90 day period and compare against the Motive network average.


    • % IDLING: Understand how your fleet’s idling rate has trended over the last 90 days and compare against the Motive network average. Idling rate is calculated as the idle time over engine on (idle + drive) time.


    4. Fuel Efficiency Factors

    1. Fuel Efficiency Factors help you better understand the Driver behaviors that impact fuel economy. These metrics will update if you adjust the time toggle in the Summary metrics bar. Fuel Efficiency Factors include:

    • Cruise Distance: Distance traveled using cruise control as a percentage of total distance traveled by your fleet.
    • Cruise Time: Time spent using cruise control as a percentage of total time your fleet spent driving.
    • Idle Time: Percentage of the time the engine was running but the vehicle was stationary.
    • Over RPM: Percentage of time the engine was on when the RPM was over 1700.

    Safety Events:

    • Hard Braking: Number of instances where the Driver committed a hard brake for every 1000 miles of distance driven
    • Hard Acceleration: Number of instances where the Driver accelerated aggressively for every 1000 miles of distance driven
    • Hard Cornering: Number of instances where the Driver turned a corner at high speeds for every 1000 miles of distance driven
    • Speed: Your fleet’s average driving speed.



    5. Vehicle Performance

    1. The Vehicle Performance leaderboard gives you a quick view into your bottom and top performing vehicles. This helps you determine the types of vehicles you want to invest in — or possibly get rid of. Vehicles are ranked by fuel economy and you click on the vehicle to see their MPG for the selected time period & how it has changed compared to the previous time period.



    6. Make & Model Performance

    The Make & Model Performance leaderboard gives you a quick view into your bottom and top performing make and models. Vehicles are ranked by fuel economy and you can see their MPG for the selected time period & how it has changed compared to the previous time period.


    7. Quick Links

    The Quick Links found on the right side of the page will automatically take you to the relevant Fuel reports section, allowing you to directly export the required data.



    2. How to view your vehicle's utilization details

    1. From the Motive Fleet Dashboard, click on Fuel in the left-hand side menu.

    2. Click on the Vehicles tab. This will open the Fuel Hub for vehicles where you can track essential details of your vehicles.


    3. You can view the Utilization details by clicking on any vehicle name.

    • Utilization is calculated by dividing the time the vehicle was doing productive work (driving/PTO) by the total time the vehicle engine was on.
    • Utilization = (1 - Idle Time / Engine On) %.
      You may filter by Date, Drivers, and Vehicles to narrow down your search.


    4. You can view all the idling events contributing to a vehicle’s Utilization percentage under the IDLING section.


    Note: Idle Time indicates the amount of time a vehicle is idle, but the engine is running, which results in fuel being wasted. Idle Fuel indicates the amount of fuel consumed while that vehicle is idle.

    5. To view the Total Idling column, click on the Idling Events tab.


    6. You can also access different Utilization reports in the Reports section.

    7. Click on Reports from the left-hand side menu.

    8. In the Browse section, click on the Utilization tab. These reports include:

    • Driver’s Vehicle Utilization: Summary of all idling time and driving time by the Driver
      Idling Events: Details of all idling events by day
    • Vehicle Utilization: Summary of all idling time and driving time by vehicle



    3. How to view and export IFTA Fuel Reports


    Note: IFTA reports are available only for customers with PRO and ENT subscriptions.
    To upgrade your subscription, please contact us.


    1. On the Motive Fleet Dashboard, click on Fuel in the left-hand side menu.

    2. Click on the IFTA summary tab. You can see an overview of your fleet’s average fuel consumption metrics for a selected time period.

    3. Filter the report through filters of Date, Jurisdiction, Fuel Type, and IFTA Vehicles. Click on your desired filter to expand the dropdown and select your desired value.


    4. Click on the Trip Reports tab to view a more detailed view of individual trips.


    3. Click on Reports from the left-hand side menu of the Dashboard.

    4. Click on the IFTA button under the Browse section.

    5. Click on the Distance Summary report.



    4. Click on the Date field to select the start and end dates for a report. Click on Groups, Jurisdiction, Fuel Types, and IFTA Vehicles filters for data filtering.

    5. Click on the three dots and select your preferred file format to Export or Make a copy or Schedule.


    Once done, the reports are downloaded to your computer, and a copy is emailed.

    To sign your company up for IFTA Fuel Tax Reporting, chat with us, call (855) 434-3564 or email sales@gomotive.com.

    4. How to add Fuel Purchases on the Fleet Dashboard

    1. Manually Add Fuel Purchases

    1. On the Fleet Dashboard, select Fuel from the left-hand menu.
    2. Click on the Fuel Purchases tab.
    3. Click on the + Add Fuel Purchases button.


    4. Click on the Manually Enter a Fuel Purchase.

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    5. Add an image of the receipt/bill by clicking on the Select Photo button in the image field.
    6. Enter details like Driver, Date/Time, Jurisdiction, Vehicle, Fuel Type, Volume, etc in the given field. Scrolling down helps you access additional fields.

    Note: Asterisk (*) fields are compulsory to fill out. Cost and Volume would be accurate up to 2 decimal places.


    7. Click on the Save button once you have entered all the details.



    2. Import Fuel Purchases

    1. From the Add Fuel Purchases page, click on Import Fuel Purchases.

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    2. In case you don’t have a CSV format, click on the You can also use Template and download it.

    Note: When editing the downloaded file, don’t change the headings of the columns. The second and the third rows are for reference and can be edited.


    3. If you already have a file you want to upload, click on the Select file(s) in the file field.


    4. Click on the Import button.


    5. After the uploading is done, you are redirected to the Fuel Imports page where you can see the status of every import. Files with errors can be downloaded and corrected.


    Step 5. Optional Configurations

    1. Maintenance

    1. How to add a Service Note on Fleet Dashboard

    1. Log into the Fleet Dashboard and click Maintenance from the left-hand side menu.
    2. Click the Upcoming tab to view the upcoming reminders. This displays a list of vehicles and assets that require maintenance.
    3. For the service of your choice, click Add Service Note under the Action column. This opens a new dialogue box where you can enter details of the service note.


    4. Select the Entity from the dropdown menu and check the services that were completed for the selected vehicle.

    5. Add the Date, Odometer, and Engine Hours for the service completion, to ensure the next reminder is accurate.
    6. Add Notes and Total Cost to keep track of additional information related to the service.


    7. Click on Drag and Drop to Upload or Browse to add any additional images and/or documents.

    Note: Maximum size of attachment that can be uploaded is 5 MB. You can add up to a maximum of 10 files only.


    8. Click the Save button.


    9. You can also add services that are unrelated to your schedule by clicking the History tab and selecting Add Service Note.



    2. How to view Maintenance Reminders Detail Report

    1. Log into the Fleet Dashboard and click on Reports in the left-hand side menu.
    2. Under the Browse section, click on Maintenance.
    3. Click on Maintenance Reminders Detail Report from the list of reports.


    4. The top of the page displays the number of vehicles and assets in your fleet whose maintenance services are either Overdue or Due Soon.
    5. The columns show Vehicle/Asset, Type, Status, and Service Date.


    6. Various filters like Vehicles and Assets, Select Groups, All Maintenance Types, Select Service Date, and Select Status can be used to narrow down the search.
    7. Click on the Options to download the report either by clicking on the Download as PDF or Download as CSV.
    8. Click on the Save button to save the filtered results on the page.


    3. How to view the Fault Code Detail reports

    1. Log into the Fleet Dashboard and click on Reports in the left-hand side menu.

    2. Click on the Vehicles tab under the Browse section.

    3. Scroll down and click on the Fault Codes section.


    4. The Fault Codes report page displays. Use the Vehicle/ Group toggle to specify the report view.

    5. Use various filters like the Date, Select Vehicles or Select Groups, the Types field, and Statuses field to filter the report for a specific set of vehicles or groups.

    The generated report displays the vehicle diagnostic codes that are detected from the vehicle's engine according to the selected fields.


    6. To export the generated report, click on the Options button and select your preferred file format. You can select either Export as PDF or Export as CSV.


    Once done, the reports are downloaded directly to your computer, and a copy of the same is sent via email.

    2. Messaging

    1. What is the difference between sending a New Chat Message and a Broadcast

    Motive’s messaging tool is built around keeping ease of communication in mind. Listed below are the ways you can get in touch with your fleet.

    • New Chat Messages can be sent to a single user or multiple users. In the case of multiple users, replies will be seen by everyone in the thread and help establish cross-communication. New messages can be sent to Drivers and Fleet Managers.
    • Broadcast messages on the other hand are meant for relaying information in one direction; hence replies to a broadcast message will appear in a private conversation between the sender and the receiver. Broadcast messages can be sent to Drivers and Fleet Managers.
    Note: Drivers can send pictures and share locations when sending new messages but cannot send Broadcast messages.


    2. How to send messages to the fleet from Fleet Dashboard

    1. Log into Fleet Dashboard and click on Messages in the left-hand side menu.

    2. Click on Create Message icon and select either Chat or Broadcast to start a new conversation. Both of these options can be used to send messages to Drivers or Fleet Managers.


    3. When starting a Chat, you can start a chat as yourself, or from a Messaging Team that you are part of. To choose, click beside Start chat as, and select your user name, or a Messaging Team.

    Note: A Messaging Team allows you and other Fleet Users to communicate from a shared inbox so that Drivers are continuously and quickly supported even through events like shift transitions, sick days, and personnel changes. To learn more, read How to create a team for messaging.


    4. Next, select the Drivers, Fleet Users, and/or Groups you want to send a message to, and click on Start.


    Note: Everyone from the first message sent will see replies to a New Chat Message. Replies to a Broadcast Message will be included in a private conversation between the user who sent the broadcast message and the user who replies.

    4. Write your message in the text box and press the button on the right side of the text box.


    5. When the recipient has read the message, a double green check mark will appear next to your message.


    6. When someone sends a message, a red notification icon will appear on the Messages tab in the left-hand side menu. Additionally, Drivers have the option to send pictures and locations as well.


    7. If your Driver sends you a picture that you would like to save, click on the photo to access the Download option.


    8. Filters can be applied to narrow down the message inbox to only Unread, Broadcast Messages, or Team Messages.



    10. To send images, PDFs, or other files in your messages, locate the clip icon and click to add attachments.


    11. A window will appear, allowing you to select the files you wish to attach. Navigate to the location of your files and select them by clicking on each one. Then click send.


    3. Reports

    1. How to schedule Reports on Fleet Dashboard

    Note: Schedule Report feature is only available on Enterprise Subscription.


    1. Log into Fleet Dashboard and click on Reports in the left-hand side menu.


    The Reports page displays a complete list of your available reports.


    2. To schedule a report of your choice, view the list of Saved reports.

    3. Hover over the report name and click on Options. Select Schedule from the Options dropdown.


    4. A dialog box Create Scheduled Report appears on the screen that allows you to edit the report details. You can make changes to the following fields:

    • Schedule Name - Name of the scheduled report
    • Deliver To - Report recipients. You can add multiple individual recipients or roles.
    • Report Time Range - The time range of the data to be displayed in the report
    • Schedule - How often you want the report to be distributed
    • Time - Time of day you want the report to be distributed
    • Deliver Report As - Format of the report. You can choose from a CSV or a PDF format.


    5. Enter the report name in the Schedule Name field.


    6. You can have the report scheduled to be delivered to individual recipient/s or entire roles. Add the recipients or roles for this report in the Deliver to field.

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    7. Select the Report Time Range, Schedule, and Time to choose the frequency of report distribution.

    8. Select the format of the report. You can choose to send the report in either CSV or PDF format or both.

    9. Make the desired changes and click on Schedule.

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    A notification appears on the top of the screen once your report has been successfully scheduled.


    10. To view the list of scheduled reports, click on the Scheduled reports tab displayed on the left side.
    A list of all scheduled reports displays on the right side of the screen.



    2. How to manage Scheduled Reports

    1. Edit Schedule

    1. Log in to Motive Fleet Dashboard and click Reports in the left-hand side menu.

    2. To view the list of scheduled reports, click the Scheduled tab.

    3. To edit a report, click the Options drop-down and select Edit Schedule.


    You can make changes to the following fields:

    • Schedule Name - Name of the scheduled report
    • Deliver To - You can add multiple recipients or all recipients linked to particular roles.
    • Report Time Range - Time range of the data to be displayed in the report
    • Schedule - How often you want the report to be distributed
    • Time - The time of day you want the report to be distributed
    • Deliver Report As - Format of the report. You can choose from a CSV or a PDF format.


    4. Click Update Schedule to accept the changes made.


    Note: A notification appears at the top of the screen once your scheduled report is successfully copied.



    2. Copy this Schedule

    1. To copy a schedule, select Copy this Schedule from the Options dropdown.


    2. From the Report dropdown, choose the report you want to copy.


    3. Edit the report title in the Schedule Name entry box.

    4. Select the External Recipients in the Deliver To field.


    5. Click Schedule Now to save the changes.



    Note: A notification appears at the top of the screen once your scheduled report is successfully copied.

    3. Detele Schedule

    1. To delete a scheduled report, select Delete Schedule from the Options dropdown.


    2. Click Yes to continue.



    3. How to create and access Starred Reports

    1. Log into the Motive Fleet Dashboard, and click on Reports in the left-hand side menu.
    2. Click on the desired category under the Browse section.
    3. Hover at the end of the row of your desired report. Click on the Star.


    4. To view all the starred reports, click Starred from the left-hand side menu on the Reports page.
    5. Click on any report of your choice to view it.



    Congratulations! You're all set to set up your fleet for success. For more information, click the links in the Related Content section or explore our Help Center.

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